The -core thread

The Grimace

New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2004
North of the Valley, South of the Hills
Ok, so talk about anything with the 'c' word attached to it. Metal-, grind-, math-, hell, talk emo- if that's yer thing.

Now listening to last years 'Fucked From Birth' by Artimus Pyle. I'd call it death-core if it were more a bit more brutal, but it really reminds me of early At The Gates with less choppy time-sig stuff. Energy that I haven't heard from too many bands in the recent years, highly reccomended.

And the new A Javelin Reign album 'Wrath Of The Rice Cooker' is fekin' violent, definately a jarring, disjointed piece of music as good as any. Their sound is impressively similar to As The Sun Sets at times. And the song 'Grab A Villager And Pillage Her' is enough to make it a classic, if just for the title alone.

Oh yeah, and I'm continuing my campaign to get everyone on earth to own 'Within Dividia' by The End, the best death/grind/HC release of the year, and the best Relapse release since 'Calculating Infinity'. THE END IS BETTER THAN ANYTHING YOU LISTEN TO!!

Talk amongst yourselves.
The Grimace said:
Ok, so talk about anything with the 'c' word attached to it. Metal-, grind-, math-, hell, talk emo- if that's yer thing.

Now listening to last years 'Fucked From Birth' by Artimus Pyle. I'd call it death-core if it were more a bit more brutal, but it really reminds me of early At The Gates with less choppy time-sig stuff. Energy that I haven't heard from too many bands in the recent years, highly reccomended.

And the new A Javelin Reign album 'Wrath Of The Rice Cooker' is fekin' violent, definately a jarring, disjointed piece of music as good as any. Their sound is impressively similar to As The Sun Sets at times. And the song 'Grab A Villager And Pillage Her' is enough to make it a classic, if just for the title alone.

Oh yeah, and I'm continuing my campaign to get everyone on earth to own 'Within Dividia' by The End, the best death/grind/HC release of the year, and the best Relapse release since 'Calculating Infinity'. THE END IS BETTER THAN ANYTHING YOU LISTEN TO!!

Talk amongst yourselves.

I pray that a Doberman ass-rapes your mother with a Dachsund. Just sticks the whole thing right the fuck up in there. Then twists it for a while. Clockwise and counter-. On a leash. Like a bitch.


Anyone who still considers straight death metal to be the most 'heavy' or 'brutal' style is a sadly naive little kid. Extreme music is bigger than DM/BM/Thrash.
The Grimace said:
I pray that a Doberman ass-rapes your mother with a Dachsund. Just sticks the whole thing right the fuck up in there. Then twists it for a while. Clockwise and counter-. On a leash. Like a bitch.


Anyone who still considers straight death metal to be the most 'heavy' or 'brutal' style is a sadly naive little kid. Extreme music is bigger than DM/BM/Thrash.

just cause you add core to a name, doesn't mean it's worth my time. i find it generally is not.
Well as far as metalcore goes I'm currently loving stuff from The Red Chord, Discordance axis, Keelhaul, Botch, Burnt by the sun, Swarm of the lotus, DEP and Converge. Though my modern grind playlist is a bit more pitiful and is mostly limited to Pig Destroyer and Nasum with lots of retro stuff mixed in. If the thread starter could recommend me a couple of bands from each style to check out (no massive lists please) then I would be grateful. I'll start by checking out The End though I think I wasn't over-awed by the older stuff I've heard.

Why there needs to be unfunny bitching whenever -core bands are mentioned is not something I understand. If you don't like it then fine, that's brilliant for you. I would dfinitely argue that most of these bands are closely enough related to metal for this thread to be valid and it's certainly interesing to at least some of the people who post here.
Converge are definitely my favourite band from the metalcore genre, and Eden Maine. I've also been listening to some Neurosis and Pelican lately. Like Necro Joe, my grindcore collection is pretty much limited to Pig Destroyer, Nasum, Napalm Death, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Circle of Dead Children....

I've got the odd album by Drowningman, Funeral Diner, Army of Flying Robots, Isis, Neurosis, Old Man Gloom. Managed to recently get hold of the Orchid/Pig Destroyer 7" split which is awesome.
That link no work for me.


Norma Jean are cool. I'm also a fan of the mainstream types such as Unearth. Awesome breakdowns.

What would Crowpath be considered? Glass Casket? Between the Buried and Me?
Metalcore, Hardcore, Mathcore, Porncore, Fagcore, Applecore, thecoreoftheearth, it all sucks 10 gallon's of lemur gizz through a boba straw! I rather have the hearing of beethoven, than to listen to such garbage. Even if some of that shit is heavy. Who the fuck cares? Does heavy equate good? It can be heavier than the entire cast of the "Biggest Loser". But if the music stinks, then it's all in naught! Is it not? Now go fuck yourself you fagget (grimface). This topic has really pissed me off. not! Get it straight...unlike your sexuality.
Uhhh... it is a perfectly legitimate thread to start in the music discussion section... I am very suprised at the idiotic responses i've seen thus far... if you don't like the thread, why post in it?

I like some grindcore, Pig Destroyer being the band I frequest most
I listen to one emocore band From Autumn To Ashes. Grindcore bands Pig Destroyer, Napalm Death etc. & quite a few metalcore bands Dead To Fall, Uphill Battle, Lamb Of God etc...
stop being close minded douche bags. a lot of the -core bands, especially math-core have way more talent that a lot of death metal bands.

any idiots that wont take a chance to listen to Botch or Burnt by the Sun are fucking stupid and are missing out on some great bands
If bands like Isis, Neurosis, Pelican, Rwake, etc, are included in the -core catagory (not sure why they would be since they seem to have more in common with doom than hardcore) then they rule as well. Esspecially Isis and Neurosis. Two of the best bands ever IMO.