The -core thread

Life Sucks said:
I hate metalcore, though I used to like it. Bands like As I Lay Dying, Poison the Well, and Between the Buried and Me are utter shit.

That's the exact problem that perpetuates all the 'core' hatred in the metal world. Everyone's too deep into their precious DM/BM underground that they won't give any other underground music a chance. So the only 'metalcore' bands they hear are the mainstream shite... BTBAM is on fucking Victory,AILD is on fucking METAL BLADE, and Poison The Well is godawful screamo... and that's what they form their opinions based on. If that much. Maybe they heard a Killswitch Engage song at the end of 'Freddy vs Jason, and that's enough of a reason to hate metalcore.

One of the guys in my hall listens to a lot of less known metalcore–bands like Thrice, The Red Chord, Bleeding Through, and a shitload of Southern California bands. They pretty much suck–not nearly as bad as the abortions that are Killswitch Engage and Avenged Sevenfold, but by and large a handful of good thrash riffs here and there do not make up for the colossally stupid breakdowns and "melodic" whining.

So thus, 'core = gay. Except for old hardcore like Discharge and Bad Brains, which = awesome.
Pyrus said:
One of the guys in my hall listens to a lot of less known metalcore–bands like Thrice, The Red Chord, Bleeding Through...

How those three bands can even sort of be called the same type of music, I'm not exactly sure... or how you have come to hold the opinion that Thrice, with their MTV/Fuse airtime and headlining tours, are 'less known'. I've seen them headline over several bands who're much bigger than Red Chord, a fucking awesome band by the way. Man, seriously though, I really don't think you could have picked a worse example to mention than Thrice. Really. Damn though. I mean... really.
Recent listening...

The Chariot
''Everything Is Alive, Everything Is Breathing, Nothing Is Dead, Nothing Is Bleeding''
Solid State Rec.

Aside from having the most obnoxious title I have ever seen, the debut from the new project of Norma Jean vocalist Josh Scogin is fucken wicked. It was recorded live-in-studio (on most of the songs you can hear the drummer doing a four count to start off!) with no overdubs, vocal or otherwise, an astonishing feat considering how complex and chaotic the music on this disc is. Josh's voice is in top form, his range is as strong as ever, actually his high screams seem to have gotten a bit more vicious in the last couple years since NJ's 'Bless The Martyr'. The production is clear and surprisingly clean (no fuzz, loud kick, audible vocals), and the live setting gives the recording a smoldering energy the whole way through. The whole thing clocks in at only 27 minutes, so it just kinda steamrolls over you without a much of a breather, but then that's the idea of brutal hardcore; You are unworthy, and must be punished.

Best track:

05 'And Then, Came Then', with it's massive breakdowns and a bludgeoning verse that has the density of a mid-80s Swans crawl-riff. Heavy as fuck. Fear the Chariot.


I'll give it... 3 & 1/2 thumbs up, or an 8.6 out of 12.

Just own it, fuckers.
Pyrus said:
Heh, if ya say so. I never heard of 'em until this guy played em for me.

Well, it's not as if we're really up on our hardcore, now is it, so does that mean anything? And it's not 'if I say so'. I went to the concert, it actually happened. It wasn't a hallucination. And I've seen their videos on MTV and Fuse/MM before. Now, Thrice does pretty much suck, but that has nothing to do with my point... that not only is Thrice not underground, they're one of the most popular bands in the scene. And you can't judge a whole scene from the shitty mainstream bands, which was my point before.
The Grimace said:
That's the exact problem that perpetuates all the 'core' hatred in the metal world. Everyone's too deep into their precious DM/BM underground that they won't give any other underground music a chance.
Yeah, pretty much. It's like me judging black metal based on a 2-song sampler I heard of Cradle of Filth. Or judging death metal by a Deicide song I heard on Headbanger's Ball.

Most "metalheads" (dumb term) are too stupid, so don't worry about it.
Meh, Thrice are alright.

You people need to stop caring about how mainstream or udnerground and actually listen to the music. Even though they are all up on MTV and the kiddies eat them for breakfast, Thrice still strike a chord in me, so I'm in. I wouldn't call them hardcore, though, although they definitely do have some crazy cool breakdowns and whatnot. Some nice Maiden-ish guitar as well.

I agree with Pyrus in how old-skool HXC kicks teh bootay. And many of these bands do have oodles of great thrash riffs. I just, personally, happen to like the melodic moments as well.

Probably why I'm still an intern...
anonymousnick2001 said:
You people need to stop caring about how mainstream or udnerground and actually listen to the music.

I bought the new Cardigans album when it came out (And Nina's 'A-Camp' disc, too!). I love everything. I have no mainstream bias. I can appreciate a talent for good hooks as much as the 'must maintain artistic integrity!!' kind of talent. I'm not offended by harmonies and happy singing. I'm always down for a good chord change in a song.

That said.... emo is gay. Or rather, emo-thrash-core is gay. True emo-rock or emo-pop I don't mind, cause at least they're honest about what they do. But Thrice is totally disingen... how the fuck do you spell that... well anyway, they're that word. Selling your girl problems as 'punk' is so very wrong. And super mega homo style, too.
I like a lot of the core stuff, but as mentioned previously there a shit load of poor to mediocore bands that give the decent ones a bad rep. How bout Until your heart stops and Beyond hypothermia by Cave in? Both great metalcore albums.

Cult of luna are ace as well, there new one Salvation has been getting a lot playtime with me recently. I've also been loving Australasia by Pelican, what a great album!

V.V.V.V.V. said:
For everyone who pretends to hate grind, listen to Terrorizer - World Downfall now.

Yes they should, along with Scum by Napalm death and Horrified by Repulsion.
Yes, Horrified rocks, too.

And stop relating everything to thrash and saying things need thrash riffs to be good not everyone likes thrash or wants to hear thrash in their metalcore thanks.

Even though I like thrash, the words "thrash riffs" come up way too often for some of you when discussing other genres of music, making it look like you judge a band by how many lightspeed riffs they have, or something, which sounds totally dumb.
The Grimace said:
That's the exact problem that perpetuates all the 'core' hatred in the metal world. Everyone's too deep into their precious DM/BM underground that they won't give any other underground music a chance. So the only 'metalcore' bands they hear are the mainstream shite... BTBAM is on fucking Victory,AILD is on fucking METAL BLADE, and Poison The Well is godawful screamo... and that's what they form their opinions based on. If that much. Maybe they heard a Killswitch Engage song at the end of 'Freddy vs Jason, and that's enough of a reason to hate metalcore.


Are you kidding me? You don't like BTBAM, but you think The Red Chord is awesome? BTW, The Red Chord is signed to METALBLADE. You don't make a whole lot of sense, buddy.

Well shit, I guess you can't listen to The Red Chord, now that you know they are "mainstream." Oh well, I'm sure you will find other rehashed shit out there to listen to and praise that is "underground." Your fault. Between The Buried and Me can run circles around most contemporary Metal acts. That's not my opinion...Musical theory wise, it's fact.