the cult of cop


Sep 12, 2002
i think my paranoia is growing and i don't know why. i didn't do anything wrong!

seriously, these things are getting progressively more cultish.

i'm not talking the epic brutality/corruption traits, either. i think they are tinkering with a code of elitism that is designed to alienate and befuddle anyone who approaches them. each and every encounter, lately, does not fail to seriously confuse me.

- over the weekend my friend and i approach an officer directing traffic. well actually, he was just kind of standing in the middle of the road. but let's say.

one of us asks:

"excuse me, officer. can you tell us where canal st is?"
cop: (long pause) "can you tell me why you want canal st?"
friend: "uh, because we were asked to meet someone there"
cop: (medium pause, eyes roll slightly, a slight head shrug as if to convey "HUH?", a look of vast annoyance creeps across the sloping forebrow) "canal is.. across, over... i can't see why... i repeat, can you tell me why you want canal street?!"

- an hour ago, in a small store, pouring a large cup of coffee. i hear a whistled tune approaching me from the right. , in my periphery i see someone striding up quickly. i'm thinking some random friend is trying to get my attention. twisting my neck to look, before me is a lanky, moustachioed officer, with a wry grin.
he says very loudly "HOW YOU DOIN TODAY, SIR?"
me: "okay, how are you?"
officer: (dead silence)

i am afraid.
you do not look really weird! you look, well... nick-like. maybe it's because they fear you will unleash your mass genius on the world al qaeda style so they are tailing you.
at least you don't get James Hetfield or the singer of The Offspring.

Boomer Esaison with tuberculosis is the best general description of myself though.
ha. well i should send you a picture link of his face and you tell me.

but this is really what i look like:

I have been harassed by cops more times than I can count on two hands. Strangely, most of these have been with FuSoYa. The most notables are when we got caught at an abandoned insane asylum in Connecticut; being busted for "walking" and stopping to light a cigarette; getting ham fists shoved in my pockets looking for drugs at a Radiohead laser show; the list goes on and on. Neither of us looks weird, I swear!
the cops always bug my friends (graffiti thugs, skate jerks, etc) when i am with them, but they just sort of shoot the breeze with me and tell me i have nice eyes.
DC cops are the worst! Although come to think of it, I rolled off the highway on I-90 by Syracuse once (due to weather conditions - there were 200 accidents on 90 in NY that day) and the cop gave me a frickin ticket for failing to KEEP RIGHT. like, right on the road? right side up? right on? whatever.
Originally posted by the_preppy
the cops always bug my friends (graffiti thugs, skate jerks, etc) when i am with them, but they just sort of shoot the breeze with me and tell me i have nice eyes.

i should add that i am usually the fucking jerk doing all the bad deeds.
There's an APB in Boston and Connecticut for DEATH ROCKER TOBY DRIVER? Who knows?

It would probably help if we didn't break into abandoned insane asylums and shit, too.