THE definition of 'emo'

Please list some "emo" bands so that I can hear what type of music is being referred to. I hear that term thrown around quite a bit on these boards and I suspect that it means nothing - i.e. it does not so much refer to an actual musical genre/style as it is a general insult in the vein of the much abused "gay."

As far as punk is concerned, it's all about Discharge and The Exploited.
I mentally refer to that type of band as "radio music." Does there really need to be a special name for that? I went to all three of those band websites and I am 99% certain those are all the same exact band.
i saw a commerical for My Chemical Romance (raging emo band, and by raging i mean extremely), and it was like "have you ever felt alone? have you ever felt angry? My chemical romance!"
Lord Foul said:
I mentally refer to that type of band as "radio music." Does there really need to be a special name for that? I went to all three of those band websites and I am 99% certain those are all the same exact band.

which is exactly why we make fun of fans of t his type of music. there is no variety, and all of the bands sound the same. plus, all of the lyrics are "wah wah wah, i hate myself, i miss y ou, i love you, you left me, i hate myself because you left me, i have e verything but hate myself because you hate me. im such a horrible person, wah wah wah wah wah, i hate my daddy"
Real punk is good.

Ramones, Misfits, Clash, Sex pistols ( accept I didnt like them) , Black flag.
That was good shit back in the day. Then all that Casaulties, anti flag shit came out.I hate newer punk. When Joey Ramone died , punk died for me. Im the biggest misfits fan ever and have had just about every recording and the box set. I even like the new stuff. Whats crazy is in the 80's after they broke up they did s ome stuff with Jeff scott Soto of Yngwie Malmstein fame and were called Christ the Conquerer and it was metal. It was good power metal.
Henry Rollins is funny as shit.

That's the list of the top five most cliche punk bands ever....

In my opinion real punk would be something like GBH, The Adicts, Discharge, The Virus, The Worms, Cock Sparrer, so on and so forth. However, I hate punk. Minus Discharge, whom is responsible for hardcore punk (aka crust) which I love.

Ha, and yes, Henry Rollins is hilarious on stage.
[I dont sit and listen to the stuff , but if I do I would listen to the Misfits or The Ramones. They are catchy and have alot of energy and when I first started playing in a band in 9 or 10 th grade we played alot of misfits songs, thats why im kinda partial to them.
Tempest said:
who gives a shit, it's all music. to insult someone just because they like a different kind of music is fucking asinine.
Very true.

What do you think all those "emo fags" are saying about you? Also don't you think most metal heads have a certain look? Long hair, beards, black t shirts, and hoodies. I'm not a fan of emo but jesus, look at all your signatures, you all are just a bunch of "metal fags."

Look at me I'm a fucking norseman, or a fucking goth, or a fucking greasy wannabe band. Its all the same man.

opps forgot to mention scarey pictures, skulls, and satanic symbols (you wish you were a satanist) btw satanicnugz is my way of saying killer weed, so fuck off, I'm gonna go smoke up.
the skull and tentacles is a nerdy comic book thing

and the baphomet sunn O))) symbol is the not always metal goatsnake logo

so its not as metal as you'd wish
I am only saying...

No need to pick on people for the way they dress, especially if the clothes are common of a "scene"

Metal is also a "scene."
I dunno who he is, so I just "meh" and fart.

Edit: I show up to metal shows in the same clothes I go outside with, pants, and a shirt. I see no scene in my personal life. :D