THE definition of 'emo'

No, I like the music and the culture, doesn't mean I put on a wolf pelt everytime I hear Bathory or Frostmoon and go rape someone.
Better late than never:

What you said DSM plus, at least in Seattle, you get the 25-35 year old set that hangs out at cleverly named bars (the Venus and Mars Bar) and try to impress the ladies by starting out conversations with "I was reading Sarte the other day...."

These are the same people that, 10 years earlier, would have been into grunge.
Tiger Army and Neckromantix rock.

Who killed the cheerleader is the best ever.
Who killed the cheeleader ??
You did, you did.
OH no , it wasnt me at all.
And who raped the prom queen ??
He did, he did.
Right as she was having a ball.

Thats fucking grreat.
Random Beard said:
No, I like the music and the culture, doesn't mean I put on a wolf pelt everytime I hear Bathory or Frostmoon and go rape someone.

Dont be revlealing my secrets RB. Or Ill be forced to put on my wolf pelt and hunt you down while "Circling above in time before time" blasts in the background. Ninjas cannot save. :tickled:

That song sounds so much like the LAST OF THE MOHICANS thing its not even funny. I love it. Immortal rocks.

Oh and Manowar is not as gay as the USED. Manowar rocks ass....uhh I mean kicks ass. Nevermind. Burt Mackracken is a tool .
*happily skips through a field stabbing emo kids in the head with a fork*

You're bleeding. Are you happy NOW???
what, neal?

Can you not take my pain seriously? NONE OF YOU CAN!!! The pain that gnaws at my heart every day the love of my life isn't by my side. I want to die with that one special person, I really do ... as I slowly stab them to death with a shard of the fragile glass dream that was my life that they broke when they said they hated me because of how wretched I really am ... and they choke on the black tears my heart sheds whenever I see just how vile a place the world is without the love I feel that is green, the color of my Converse, and binds me as tightly as the pinstripe pants I bought from a thrift store, and light blue like the color of my shirt with its collar up, and like the color of my love's eyes when they look up at the sky above the polluted city we live and die in, before they turn red with the blood they shed because I kill them.

That, my friends, is emo.
I have no more cookies. I am lost in a loveless world that hates me because I have no love anymore. I would sleep next to you forever and wait in silence for death to take us away as we leap from the highest peak and are caught in a safety net of barbed wire that snags our wrists as we fall and lets to best part of us reach the cold, cold ground before we do. The absence of my cookies is a hold torn from my aching soul, and not even the blood from my wrists can fill it, it is so cold and lonely without the cookies that used to be the only sugary delight in my joyless world of eternal pain.

But in an un-emo world ... my computer got fucked up, then got unfucked up, but I can't find my password for here, and lack the energy needed to search for it.
darkspot sans cookies said:
I have no more cookies. I am lost in a loveless world that hates me because I have no love anymore. I would sleep next to you forever and wait in silence for death to take us away as we leap from the highest peak and are caught in a safety net of barbed wire that snags our wrists as we fall and lets to best part of us reach the cold, cold ground before we do. The absence of my cookies is a hold torn from my aching soul, and not even the blood from my wrists can fill it, it is so cold and lonely without the cookies that used to be the only sugary delight in my joyless world of eternal pain.
I have cookies *scoots closer*

Great Max ... now just offer me a lollipop and you could rival Micheal Jackson in creepy kiddie lures.
My new puppy has the same name as you...