The demo has been leaked.


Aug 16, 2003
Malmö, Sweden
Visit site
You can download it on bittorent.
The size is 141 mb and it is a rar file.

My thoughts on the game:

This game RULES !!!!!
I have it on 1024x786 and maxed with normal units and it goes smooth(well there is some choppyness when there is alot going on) it actually goes smoother then MTW.
The tutorial is easy. it gives you the basics.
The battle of Trebia is awesome.
Seeing those elephants in action is just awesome.
The only downside is that the voices gets annoying after awhile but the good beats the bad so download it now.
Shit my computer is acting up on me.

O.k. when I try to run the demo, it says that Rome: Total War demo could not find Direct X 9.0. But, I installed Direct X 9.0 already and I did it again when I reinstalled Viking Invasion. What should I do? Oh yeah, and I reinstalled Windows Xp yesterday also. I really, really, really need help as soon as humanly possible!
Damn it. *tries to download the demo at the internet cafe here*


Wait, someone give me a direct link, I must download it here now.
*waits for new hard drive and therefore Cedega and therefore the ability to play Windows games in Linux woot omg*
How's it playing on your guys' computers? Is there a lot of lag?

Because I have a decent computer (which should be able to run RTW fine), but I only get 5-7 fps in battle. When skirmishing I get about 10-15 fps, and when there's just a lone unit of my army running I get about 20 fps. That is utter crap, and it lags like hell. But, people with high-end computers with the best video cards say they have the same problem.

So how is it running on your computers, and can you give me the specs of your computer?
Thered, try updating your video card drivers to the latest versions available. I had the same problem with Doom 3, and doing this fixed it for me just fine.
well according to some fans the engine is not optimised yet.
The same people had the same problem with the medieval demo being choppier then the full version so I guess we have to wait and see.
I sure hope so. If not, then I'll pay the $200 to get a new video card. Mine sucks anyways.

Hmm...well the initial problem I had was that I never installed any video driver (thus I couldn't play the demo), and since I am 100% computer illiterate in every way possible, I did not know that. So I downloaded the driver. I am not sure if I downloaded the latest drivers, but I think I might of.