The dilemma the fan never considers...


If you were in an area like NYC, LA or Chicago, I would say "Band B" because you may get a crowd who likes that particular band. Why do I say this? Sheer numbers. When you are in an area of 20 million people, there has to be 200-300 fans to want to see them live.

But, you are asking people to travel. So, do you think they will go cross-country for Band B? If Band A rarely tours the States, and they are doing a one-off, then go with Band A.
Sabaton is a good example of a Band B. How many of us had heard of them and were blown away by the preview in the PPX trailer? They went from "oh I think I've heard of them" to being one of the most anticipated bands this year amongst my friends and many others I've spoken to. So if Band B is all that, they'll win their fans before the event and potentially have a cool show (just because they've rocked the house before, doesn't mean they always will.)

What are you talking about Sabaton being a Band B??!!?? Shame on you! :lol:

(I agree with you, but I've known about Sabaton for quite a while... but for quite a few folks they're probably a "huh, who are they?" band)
Not to single you out, but for everyone who suggests band B because "OMG I WANT TO BE BLOWN AWAY" you're not at all considering the business aspect of it. You can't blow people away if you can't get them in the door.

Just saying.

Thanks professor, but I don't have to consider the business aspect of it. It's not my festival. It's hard for any of us to lend "good" advice if we don't know the details of what's going on behind the scenes. Glenn posted this as a "feeler" and that's what he got from me. I simply told him to go with his gut, because he's been dead on for 10 festivals now.

Just remember folks, At one time the aforementioned Circus Maxim,us AND Pagan's Mind were BOTH Band B's...meaning opening slot bands for the festival and have now grown to being very big/huge bands within the Progressive metal genre.
So I would have to say, give me a Band B!!! You never know when that band is going to be the next big thing!!
Here's the quandry I find myself in....

I'm researching new bands (think first couple of slots, not the headliners or support) for the festival. Band A has some name recoginition and will bring an instant crowd reaction and gratification. It gets the buzz going in a hurry. People are happy.

Band B is a relative unknown. People are like "huh?" It has a snowball effect in terms of people's thoughts on the rest of the roster as they question me on every move I make.

Band B's live performance kicks the shit out of Band A based on what I have seen, friends and insiders I have spoken with, and the reviews I have read.

Considering the economic issues I'm facing, the choice is not as easy as you may think.

*slams beer down on promoter's table* why not have both? :kickass:
Thanks professor, but I don't have to consider the business aspect of it. It's not my festival. It's hard for any of us to lend "good" advice if we don't know the details of what's going on behind the scenes. Glenn posted this as a "feeler" and that's what he got from me. I simply told him to go with his gut, because he's been dead on for 10 festivals now.


I'm glad to see you essentially took it personal enough to come back with a smartass comment. I was worried you'd gone soft. :p
I'm glad to see you essentially took it personal enough to come back with a smartass comment. I was worried you'd gone soft. :p


I'm glad you have a good sense of humor Nailz. :kickass: I do understand your original point by the way. None of us can possibly tell Glenn what to do, since we're clueless as to what's really going on.

When all is said and done, and you have looked at all the "I would take A', and "I would take B" reasons, it all comes down to, what you think is the best for the Show, and what makes the best business move. With that said, could it be possible to, as some have said have both, and that way have the name recognition, and the melt your face newcomer?
If he felt he could just book both he wouldn't be asking this. Only 10-12 slots. He could be facing that for opening bands on both nights. So which to choose?

Short term ROI view says take A.
Long term ROI view says take B.
If short term success is in doubt, and necessary for long term, take A.
I'd say band B, because those early spots should be for little-known bands who could use the exposure.

Festivals for me are as much about discovering bands as they are about hearing my favorite bands.

Sorry, booB, didn't mean to not give proper credit. I guess reading too many pages of comments before I made mine altered my perception of reality. I hope you took me thinking you were Zod as a compliment. :lol:
Since both of these bands are opening acts, I don't think it really makes a huge difference UNLESS you need the possible ticket sales from band A to break even/get ahead. I personally would prefer the band who would get the fans going better.
Seriously on my part this time...possibly band A would be the better option especially if ticket sales are an issue because of our economic uncertainty. Either way, Glenn, everything you've touched has turned to gold so far. No reason to see why that trend wouldn't continue.
Well, if Band A is Ayreon.......

(Sorry, couldn't resist. :lol: )

I agree with those who would choose Band B...after all, it's an opening/early slot.

But if Band A -- and their ticket 'draw' -- is expected to be a critical factor in the success of PPUSA XI, then it's a no-brainer. I'd rather have the festival continue AFTER 2010. :kickass: