The Doors

:) I understand... but, I look at it this way

Jimi Hendrix set the stage for everything that followed, front man, show man, lyrics, aggressive guitar prowess

as far as front man is concerned, Mic Jagger and Eric Burden had been at it for years prior to Morrison, then what about Arthur Brown, James Brown, Roger Daltry, ect. ect. I just cant agree with you on that one.

I havent heard much of the Doors and usually turn them off when they pop up on the radio. So Im thinking if that guy was classically trained on piano, perhaps thats why his blues is the whitest blues I have ever heard. I do not like his sound either but that was the psycodelic period and they went for that tone.

Drumming, see I never liked their grooves so theres a problem right there.

If theres a single song someone could point me toward that showed musical prowess from the band I'd be more than happy to try to locate it and give a listen. I remember I was always amused by the song about "you can not petition the Lord with prayer" but I just cant recall how it actually sounded. Im pretty sure it was just more of the repetitive acid trip kind of stuff.

The movie about Morrison only further endorsed my feelings about the guy and music.

Still I fail to hear Doors influence on music and... metal? you got to be kidding me.

Theres very little pre Hendrix and pre Zeppelin music that I like and I will maintain till my last breath is drawn that they are the primary bands that turned the tides in rock, hardrock and blues rock.

I should appoligize for bashing the Doors on a Doors thread but I just dont get this "influenced" thing.

the song you are talking about is "the soft parade" but it might only be on the live versions. i'll be honest with you, most of the hits they play on the radio are the worst and most pop friendly songs on the albums. try "unknown soldier", "the end", "soft parade", "celebration of the lizard", and "when the music's over".

btw the stooges, aerosmith, guns n roses and the cult among other all say the doors influenced them and baker's pink and screaming trees are basically late 80's early 90's ripoff's of the doors, so theres the metal connection
As far as a front man goes, james Brown was in a league all his own. What I'm trying to say is; Jim had this Shamanistic approach to his stage antics, where he was actively trying to involve the audience in what he was trying to convey through the music. He was an actor displaying a character and often it worked(especially with women). Something that might have been overlooked is; Morrison was a student of film at U.C.L.A. He was also an avid poet and writer. He met Manzarek and was coaxed into forming a band. First and foremost, Morrison was a writer and never wanted to be a "rock star" And that's not info from a movie. This has all been gleaned from too many books to mention that I;ve read. While I can certainly understand you not liking the Doors(razors edge) Your substantiation is faulty. You bring up Mick Jagger and Eric Burdon, and I don;t get that comparison. Morrison was a horse of a different color. His approach to singing and music was entirely different than either Jagger or Burdon. And we should stay focused on "rock" frontmen, not the pre-hip-hop soul music of Brown. It's 2 separate issues. From reading your opinions on the Doors, I get the impression you flat-out just don't like them or their music. The contribution of hendrix and zeppelin is invaluable to modern music. I think you are too dismissive of the Doors. Be more open-minded about this in a holistic sense. Listen to "Spanish Caravan" from "Waiting for the Sun" for good composition and playing.
Im sitting here wondering what invaluable and holistic mean... :lol:

This is one of those cases of youth, seen commonly even today. When I was really of age to start picking my own music, THe Doors and Beatles and even the Stones and The Who were "old style" and I didnt like much of it. Most of all the real LA and pshcyodelic stuff, I wanted to rock... or be mellow, like blues or Wind Crys Mary or say the Guess Who,Dave Mason, or James Gang kind of music. The Doors was so far removed from that. This is why I cant see even the Aerosmith connection. I'd put Aerosmith closer to expanded Stones. Their all older than me so Im sure they listened to the Doors but I dont hear any bands that stood out in hardrock or rock that played(sounded) anything like the Doors. What went on in the retro era of the early 90's is much less relevant to me in the devolopment of rock. No biggy, I really should have said nothing more than my first post but that "heavy influence on" thing just escapes me.
Im sitting here wondering what invaluable and holistic mean... :lol:

This is one of those cases of youth, seen commonly even today. When I was really of age to start picking my own music, THe Doors and Beatles and even the Stones and The Who were "old style" and I didnt like much of it. Most of all the real LA and pshcyodelic stuff, I wanted to rock... or be mellow, like blues or Wind Crys Mary or say the Guess Who,Dave Mason, or James Gang kind of music. The Doors was so far removed from that. This is why I cant see even the Aerosmith connection. I'd put Aerosmith closer to expanded Stones. Their all older than me so Im sure they listened to the Doors but I dont hear any bands that stood out in hardrock or rock that played(sounded) anything like the Doors. What went on in the retro era of the early 90's is much less relevant to me in the devolopment of rock. No biggy, I really should have said nothing more than my first post but that "heavy influence on" thing just escapes me.

i see what you're saying. like i said though the hits are normally the weakest tracks on a dorrs album.

btw the cult stood out and ian sings just like jim morrison
Razors Edge,I find it hard to believe that you are "sitting there and wondering what invaluable and holistic mean" You are intelligient enough? Invaluable- what Zep and Hendrix contributed was unlike what any other band did. Holistic- is looking at this Doors thing in it's totality, not just from a movie, a book or a few songs. Look man, this is all differing opinions on a band that most really don't remember. I was around back then, and the Doors just did and said things through their music and antics that others, quite frankly, didn't have the balls to do or say. That made them awesome for me. You had bands like the Beatles,Byrds and Dylan who were considered mainstream and popular. The Doors, Paul Butterfield's blues bands were "underground" and had something to say. That's part of their appeal. By the way, don't reference me as a "youth" I'm 52 years old and have seen quite a bit in my time, including many bands that are talked about on here. You either like it or you don't.
Dude, I was talking about my youth. Sorry you misunderstood the point of my post, simply I was too young and the older bands were old school rock when I started choosing my music. Therefore that has stuck with me through life. But you do fit in the age group I was talking about that was slightly older than me, now(49)that was adapt at that style of rock. To further elaborate, another example might be those that like metal for what it is today and are young but when played some old metal they will just see it as old and not quite up to their liking. I sincerely believe this is the case with me and The Doors plus I've never been into the shock factor, I have a narrow view on that too, be it music, art, comedy or media.

Yes I really was pondering invaluable because I dont use the word and it could go either way, if you knew me better you'd understand. I get thrown easy in some ways... lol. Holistic? never much exposure to that word though I recognized it.

Matt, I recognized the Cult immeadiatly when I saw their first video. I refered to this era as the retro era which it really was. Many bands were dropping back and showing roots influence, we got a pile of modern retro cars in the 90's too. It was truely a retro era in so many ways. The 90's were definantly anti 80's.

Enjoy the Doors boys :)
Dude, I was talking about my youth. Sorry you misunderstood the point of my post, simply I was too young and the older bands were old school rock when I started choosing my music. Therefore that has stuck with me through life. But you do fit in the age group I was talking about that was slightly older than me, now(49)that was adapt at that style of rock. To further elaborate, another example might be those that like metal for what it is today and are young but when played some old metal they will just see it as old and not quite up to their liking. I sincerely believe this is the case with me and The Doors plus I've never been into the shock factor, I have a narrow view on that too, be it music, art, comedy or media.

Yes I really was pondering invaluable because I dont use the word and it could go either way, if you knew me better you'd understand. I get thrown easy in some ways... lol. Holistic? never much exposure to that word though I recognized it.

Matt, I recognized the Cult immeadiatly when I saw their first video. I refered to this era as the retro era which it really was. Many bands were dropping back and showing roots influence, we got a pile of modern retro cars in the 90's too. It was truely a retro era in so many ways. The 90's were definantly anti 80's.

Enjoy the Doors boys :)

why is that other guy giving you suck a hard time? you explained yourself and that should be the end of it
Hes not giving me a hard time. He just misunderstood what I said. Blood Sword and I have talked music quite a bit on other topics and agree most of the time. I just dont get the Doors and hes lending a hand... :)

Spanish Caravan is a decent song and does show musical prowess at least on behalf of the guitar player. It does also have musical elements that can be heard in metal today at the halfway point of the song, Im surprised. Im not much on the vocals and that keyboard sound which is mostly burried in this song. What was that, a Wirlitser(sp) ? Now take Ken Hensleys simple but pounding full Hammond/leslie sound, that influenced me and future music I would like.
Razor, listen man, you have it right, I thought that you were referencing me as a "youth" Thanx for clearing that up. Also we have talked about music and I assumed that my comments would be understood by you, Once again, I know you understand what I was trying to say. I certainly wasn't trying to give you a rough time, I just was disagreeing with you on some of your statements. No big deal. Active disagreement, without descending in to pointless debate, is what keeps these forums pumpin'. All apologys for anything I said that was deemed offensive. You know, we are talking about music, not discussing a cure for cancer.
Hes not giving me a hard time. He just misunderstood what I said. Blood Sword and I have talked music quite a bit on other topics and agree most of the time. I just dont get the Doors and hes lending a hand... :)

Spanish Caravan is a decent song and does show musical prowess at least on behalf of the guitar player. It does also have musical elements that can be heard in metal today at the halfway point of the song, Im surprised. Im not much on the vocals and that keyboard sound which is mostly burried in this song. What was that, a Wirlitser(sp) ? Now take Ken Hensleys simple but pounding full Hammond/leslie sound, that influenced me and future music I would like.

spanish caravan is a cool song. told you they influenced metal
^^ Yeah, great theory man. "If it wasn't for Morrison, the Doors would've been shit." Back up your opinion. I don't want to make a big deal out of this thread, but if you like or dislike a band, you should offer reasons why and why not. Giving substantiation, goes a long way for your credibility. But, maybe you just don't give a fuck. Posts like the one above, cause a decent discussion to descend into a pointless debacle.
If it wasn't for Morrison, the Doors would've been shit.

Yea, this really cant be true because bands that make it do so on an internal chemistry that exists. But that said, Morrison probably could have made something with other musicians and still garnered attention. I wonder what the remainder of the band did for musical careers after the fact ?
Yea, this really cant be true because bands that make it do so on an internal chemistry that exists. But that said, Morrison probably could have made something with other musicians and still garnered attention. I wonder what the remainder of the band did for musical careers after the fact ?

they made 2 moderatly successful albums after he died with the 3 remaining members then milked whatever old material with jim they have left. lately they've been touring with the singer from the cult as "rides on the storm" but he left so they got another guy