The Dune Riff

Nice. Forgot about "Fallen". Good flick.
I'm weak on Blayze stuf. I can't stand his voice, but some good songs. Ashamed to admit I don't know EOD.
Forgot about Alvin Maker. My stepmother is a huge fan, actually. She's been saying I should read it for years, and at one point I heard it was the basis of SSOASS.

Kind of peculiar that they look outside for inspiration so much. I remember as a kid convincing my parents that it was okay to listen to them because they basically sang about literature and mythology... I think I used Flight of Icarus and Rime of the Ancient Mariner as my evidence. They were amazed that the guys who played that music and had album covers like they did knew anything about... well, anything. They agreed that if Maiden came by, I could go to see them. But I always ended up missing them. Didn't see them until the "give Me 'Ed" tour...
I've nothing against Blaze, but he wasn't right for Maiden. He sounds a lot better doing his own solo stuff. As far as his time in Maiden goes though, Sign of the Cross and EoD are definitely my favourites.

Unfortunately I had quite a wait before being able to see them myself. When my girlfriend told me she'd bought tickets for me to see 'em in London last December as an x-mas gift I couldn't believe it. Best gift ever. :notworthy
why cant everybody see that x-factor is a solid album with really really strong songs? :(

I don't have a problem with the songs, Don. It's the vocals. Some are okay, but some are pretty bad. I don't even mean "compared to Bruce" or "compared to Paul". I mean: they are weak. Something really off-putting about them to me. I'll admit that the Blaze albums are the only ones I don't own. So, maybe if I owned them and gave them time...

But the tracks I do have on Ed Hunter and from the Best of the B-Sides, which should be his better work, are even tough listens.

You're making me think I ought to get the X-Factor now. I typically trust you, Don. And I know you and Derbeder have been saying it's good for a long time, and I trust him, too...
I always liked the song The Clansman.

that one is on virtual xi...which is utter shite besides como estais amigos, really.

you should definitely give it a try, dave. for fucks sake, derbeder and i cant be the first ones to mention that it's a great album. you might be put off by the vox (which i dont really mind, by the way) but there are some really strong lyrics and melodies on that album. cheers =)
regarding the whole "stealing" thing. i probably shouldn´t say this but i want to, my band has now stolen parts from megaman,some old western movie and a part from a Transformers soundtrack. Check -0:16 into this:

some parts are too good not to be stolen:)
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