
New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2003
Vancouver, BC
Hello ppl, i don't wanna cause any harm here by telling this, but i just bought the LTD edition DVD from my local metal store. The store had a few copies in just an hour ago, and i was the first guy to get it.
I haven't watched it yet, 'cause i just got home. And i will not write anything about the DVD itself until it's officially released and people start buying it.
For those of you wondering which version to buy, go ahead and get the limited edition. The packaging is SUPERB. Beautiful, excellent, gorgeous. The booklet is cool, and to me it's worth the extra bucks. Please buy this thing of beauty, you won't regret it.
Just wanted to share my excitement with you guys,
Dunno how it exactly works with announced release dates from record companies, but have you noticed that a release date in Europe is most of the time (especially with Inside Out) on a Monday? Stores will have their order received before the weekend to be able to sell it at the actual release date. Can't tell if they break any rules by selling it before the 'official' date.

I got a confirmation yesterday that my copy was shipped yesterday, so i expect the mailman to deliver it any moment now, yay!
If it's in the store it's released. I bought my copy yesterday, and I gaved it a run in the DVD accordingly. I think it's really really good :)
Well here in Sweden it won't be released until Wednesday it seems. Luckily for me the guys will do a signing session as well as an acoustic gig at the local recordstore here on the day of its release so that will be nice. And then of course there's the DVD screening on the movie theater on Friday.
My copy arrived in the mail Saturday. I watched most of the concert disc. Excellent DVD. The stage lighting was a little too dark, but that is nitpicking. There are lots of neat camera angles during the show.
Could anyone tell the difference between the limited version and the ordinary one please? In the store I went to they only had one version, an ordinary plastic case in a paper slipcase, much like the CD version. And when I asked them about it they didn't know which one they had :erk:
My limited version had a sticker on the outside that said so. I haven't seen the other version so I don't know the difference.

And now that I have the DVD, I have to wait till I see my boyfriend couse he would like to watch it too. And he doesn't like it when i already have seen it. So just waiting a few more days:(
Strahd said:
Could anyone tell the difference between the limited version and the ordinary one please? In the store I went to they only had one version, an ordinary plastic case in a paper slipcase, much like the CD version. And when I asked them about it they didn't know which one they had :erk:

I have the ltd edition. It's a slipcase, yes...but it's digipack inside and not an ordinary plastic DVD case. Like someone else already said, it should have a sticker "ltd Edition DVD-Pac" on it too.
I got the DVD this morning and I just finished watching it...


AND VERY FUNNY (backstage)

GREAT job evergrey!!!
the dvd arrived this morning and i watched it straight away :D very well done, amazing concert, easily one of the best music dvd's about, the interviews are really interesting aswell :D still got some of the backstage stuff to watch not had enough time yet
Stop it - you're all killing me! I ordered my ltd DVD last week and today the post office have said it is 99% lost. Therefore I must wait 15 days to find out for sure, or buy another one just in case (but I can't afford it right now!!). I am very, very mad!