The Ed Wood of RC


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Back in my college days, and a bit after, I directed 2 music videos that were always sitting here in my house, and just converted them to .avi for the sheer amusement of this forum.

First one is from circa 1992, and is like a power metal vid for my very good friends then band, Kill by Inches (band is actually still around in some other incarnation today) ... the song is called The Warrior ... was shot on the roof of the infamous music building in Jamaica, Queens where some of you know, this small band called Metallica first jammed in NY and I believe fired Dave Mustaine as they were ready to record Kill'em All. The rest was shot around the streets of NY. As you will see I ran out of footage fast, and there is a lot of duplicate shots around ... but it has some funny ass bits from the time. The a/v synching is piss poor as well. (40mb)

The second video is a little bit more pro affair, for an ex coworker of mine that was the original Eminem :loco: ... this is from 1996 sometimes ... all extras in the video were people we worked with at the time in an electronics store ... I actually really dig this tune. (34mb)

Laugh it up, comment, dis ... whatever!:wave:
which one is your Plan 9?

:lol: watched the second one first. LMAO at the random in and out shots of the girls. is that persons last name Lol or is it just randomly there? EVELYN LOL
hahahah ... mind you, these are so old, the cliches you see here were not cliches back then ... well, they were just starting to be :loco:
is that persons last name Lol or is it just randomly there? EVELYN LOL

haah, that is her last name ... this was 1996, there were no internet talk acronyms back then :loco:
Oh man, I'm so god damn downloading these right now. I have high hopes, because I know what a movie buff you are.

Just spent several hours moving my buddy to his new house and talking with his sister, a fellow movie and literature buff. She's hot as fuck and I've known her for many years and... man I might have to swoop in on this one. LOLZ NAD LIKES A BLACK CHIK>
NADatar said:
She's hot as fuck and I've known her for many years and... man I might have to swoop in on this one. LOLZ NAD LIKES A BLACK CHIK>

pics please
Right, finally watched these.

The rap one has some interesting angles that I like, and the tune isn't half bad! Also I liked that one chunky Puerto Rican bint, and haha at that dude's wigger stripe. :loco:

The metal one was pretty cool and if you had more footage it could have been really good. Also, haha at that dude getting the momma rolling pin beatdown.
Thanks Nad ... there are some funny ass memories behind the metal one. The guitar player/hero in that song is my good friend Rus, who has turned to DJ'ing, Tommy Lee style since those days.

There, that's my friend's sister.

"Hey dude, can I do your sister?"
"GO FOR IT!!!"


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