The EDM Thread

Anjunadeep tour @ Exchange LA last night delivered the goods. Lane 8 even played his Liberate Remix:


Excellent night. A lot of Pryda love and a lot of really great tracks dropped.
The Anjunadeep tour show was last night, the Anjunadeep Above & Beyond after party show is on the 6th. Pretty much the same thing, just different DJs.

The after party is short though, 10-3 as opposed to 6am like last night.
Ive never seen so many black people at once. Especially at a EDM event. But its in Detroit, so that makes sense.

Theres a slewwwww of talent at Movement. Fucking Richie Hawtin. Do I need to say more? And this is the inital lineup or full lineup? Either way, Disclosure, Dubfire b2b w/ Hot Since 82, Joseph Capriati, and Maya Janes Coles are gonna be sick too.

But Dog Blood?...Really?...:erk:

Next year Im planning on not going to MDF and going to Ultra. That festival NEEDS to be crossed of my list.

LOL that video is from some random afterparty. The actual festival is in a cool park right next to the river and each of the five stages has a totally different vibe.

That's just Phase 1 of 3. There are like 2 stinkers on the lineup every year that people complain about - last year they had Flosstradamus and Riff Raff and people were mad, blahblah who cares.

This is my favorite stage. I was peaking my face off when this was taken. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

I would selfishly strongly recommend you go to Movement over Ultra but there's no trance so that's points off.
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Yeah but its Detroit and its the birthplace of Techno. And it has some SOLID DJ's already on it and Ive heard really good things.

The turn off is Detroit, tbh.

I'll check out that video later, did you film it?

I did not, I was too busy wearing horns and grooving to record video.

I wish they still threw down like this... :(

Still stoked for the show Friday. Also got my After party ticket. Gonna be a good night!
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You said you stopped rolling right - how do you stay awake for these all nighters? Coffee? I fall asleep if I drink and sit down and eat if I'm stoned.
Normally I just drink pretty heavily or just go sober, depends if Im driving or not. The music is what fuels me. I never sit down, always standing/dancing.

And I still roll, just not like I used to. 3 times a year MAX and only for very special occasions. And I normally candyflip so I dont have to use as much cause it just takes too much out of me. Like for Prydz next month, Im going to be out of my god damn mind, and will probably be good the rest of the year. (Unless he does another show lol)

But these events normally dont go that late so its all good. Friday will be an exception, normally closes at 3 and I have a feeling it will go til 4 or 5. Saturday nights there go til 6...I start tapping out around 2:30, 3 unless its something Ill regret leaving early for.
Ah man. Yeah sober at shows is awesome but I get tired quickly.

I've only candyflipped once and it was WAY TOO INTENSE and I saw God and shit at Desert Dwellers/Shpongle. I was seriously worried I was going to be asked to leave. I think I'm not gonna see Prydz in NYC because NYC is kinda shitty for these kinds of events. People don't dance!
A lot of people in general just dont dance. Some cities are worse than others, but generally people are just fucking stupid wallflowers that just get in the way. Im always raging my ass off. Cant stop, wont stop.

As for Prydz/NYC, I would kill to see him there, its one of his favorite places in the world to play. EPIC 3.0 was a clear testament to that. Shit was one for the record books. Plus its a rare chance to see him in small club settings WITH an extended set.

If I were you Id deal with the bullshit and see him. His new album drops in less than 2 weeks too apparently, so Im guessing his set will be full of new shit.
So I'm working from 4pm to 5am on Friday...fucking wack.
Yeah I'm megabummed. I even had a pretty date to go with too. Although if I listen closely enough, I might still feel the vibrations from Beckwith's fat bass lines.
Friday was awesome. Lane 8 at the Forum was decent, his set at Exchange was WAY better the week before. Mat Zo can suck a dick. That fool is like a crackhead with his song selections...All over the place. He dropped Easy which was cool, but because of his speratic song selection, it seemed out of place and didnt give that song the proper attention and respect it deserves.

Above & Beyond were good as expected. 2.5 hours was a bit long for them, but they delivered the goods and played pretty much everything I was expecting and hoping for.

The best part was going to Exchange after honestly. Nothing beats that place. The Forum's sound was super weak. So it was a treat to be on the floor, not confined to a aisle for dance space, and to be surrounded with Function One speakers blasting my ear drums. As soon as I walk up to the door man, he lets me and my friend in past the long ass line, and upgrades us to VIP because it was a crazy night. Free of charge. Another thing I love about Exchange, is that I know everyone that works there and get treated like a boss because Im there so much and spend so much fucking money on alcohol...

Walked in with Beckwith playing. And he only was on for about another 20 minutes which was a bit disappointing. Then it was James Grant, the label runner of Anjunadeep (and also Jono from Above & Beyonds brother) up next. Jono actually showed up later and went B2B with James which I am pretty bummed I missed but I could only take a few hours at Exchange. I was spent. 7:30 to 2:30 of dancing is just too much, especially without any enhancements...

I got a few videos Ill try and post up soon. But to sum up, Exchange is just....Home to me. <3

Cant wait for Prydz.
Armin just signed a residency contract with the new club @ Cesears Palace, Omnia.

His first show is on March 27th.

I fucking hate Vegas clubs, but Armin is my boy...Might have to go to this.