The electronic music thread


Omae wa mo shindeiru
Dec 23, 2004
Because we need one. I don't know what the fuck this will consist of but I know at least a few of you have interests in such, be it IDM, Drum and Bass (drill and bass for my pals tully,) or ambient. I'd use it to whore my shit out but I think I've done that plenty around here. SO FUCKING HELP ME OUT HERE PEOPLE. Keep this thread alive.


Feel free to include things such as electronically composed classical, etc.
I've heard great things about Future Sound(s?) of London but yeah, I haven't heard them either and Jay, I'm hardly metal.
i have no idea what the fuck this is ... but it feels hijackable


Axe Bahia - Beijo la boca


did I just write that?
FSOL are great. I losten to a fair bit of electronic music - electronica, drill and bass, EBM, futurepop, dance, IDM, gabber, power electronics, world dance, and dark ambient/noise :D Lots of very interesting things happening there at the moment..
all you need to know is that The Future Sound of London are GENIUS. i listen to a handful of other electronic groups, but they are the only one i truly slobber over.

PM me if you want something uploaded.
only like 5 songs are up so far. :loco:

and like, ask me for any albums you want or something, like ones you don't have. or something.
FSOL is the shit...Orbital and Amon Tobin are two of my other favorites...Boards of Canada is really tight for some super chill stuff...The Orb...Juno Reactor..etc. i dont listen to a ton, but i dig these guys. i first got into techno back when i was eating lots of mushrooms, so it had a big impact for awhile. i dont listen to it as much anymore, but i still think all these groups are awesome.
Hard Normal Daddy is my favorite, I suppose

IDM/ drum and bass/ whatever, with a heavy handful of jazz technique thrown in
Not sure if these guys would count, but Decoder Ring, I have been listening to their latest album, Fractions, for the last 3 hours and 45 minutes, and it's not going to stop anytime soon. I bought it this morning and the sticker on ths case calls it: "A sprawling rollecoaster of an album that spans dark electro, euphoric pop, intimate ballads and dancefloor anthems."

In short, it's fucking epic.