The Epicness Of Steven Slate and his support team!!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Just recieved this email and ewanted to share it with all the non slate customers just to show you the quality of his support and staff!

(Phone number and email have been removed by ME to prevent Spam)

Dear Audio Professional,

In 2006 when I released my first product Steven Slate Drums version 1.0, it was just me and two other guys running Yellow Matter Entertainment. Each week, Joel, Evan and I would take turns printing orders, editing samples, and driving down to the post office to mail out packages of CD-Rs.

In those early years, a lot of our support was via phone, and most of that support was directly from me. Getting to speak to so many customers each day was part of the reason why I loved coming to work. Some of those early callers (and posters on the Steven Slate Drums forum) have become great friends of mine, and I still talk to them and work with them today as part of my private beta team.

Thinking back to those times where customer interaction was a huge part of my day, it’s easy for me to understand why I am still passionate about the audio and music industry. It’s because nothing makes me happier than when my customers are happy. Therefore, I want to let you know about some changes that we’ll be implementing in 2011 that have one mission in mind: To make you, the customer (or potential customer since this email will also reach our plugin demoers) the happiest you can be about our products, services, and support.

Let’s first talk about customer support. By far the best thing to do when you have a problem is to first do a bit of research on our FAQ or forums, since most problems have already been addressed and possibly even solved. I also want to make sure you fill out a support ticket so our staff can make sure that we have record of your problem and do our best to solve your problem quickly. But what I want to make clear is that in addition to all of the previous suggestions, please don’t be afraid to CALL US.Our number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And you don’t have to just call us for a technical issue.Call us to make a suggestion. Call us to tell us you’re happy about something in your career, regardless if it even has something to do with our software. Call us to tell us that you’re frustrated and need assistance immediately because you’re in session and a client is breathing down your neck. Call us because you have a great idea and want to share it with us. We might not always be available and sometimes you’ll have to leave a message.But I can promise you that we’ll get your message and do everything possible to assist you.

If you want to talk directly with me, just tell the support staffer and he’ll buzz me and I’ll do my best to chat with you. If I’m busy, leave a message for me and I promise I’ll get back to you. If you want to reach me via email just to say “hey” or give me a suggestion or share an artistic problem you’re having, email me at I’ll admit that it might take me a bit to get back to you if it’s a really busy week but I promise I’ll read your email the same day you send it and will hopefully get back to you not long after.
Last, we’ve a new subforum to both the Steven Slate Drums and Slate Digital forums called “suggestion box”. Here you will easily be able to post ideas, comments, and suggestions. It’s very important that we thoroughly understand how we’re doing, what we could be doing better, how our products could be better, and how our support could be better. We’ll check the suggestions each week and work on implementing your ideas as fast as we can.

Also, it’s important to me that when you buy one of our products, you understand that you have just joined our family. Our family has grown quite large since our meager beginnings in 2006, but I still want it to feel like it’s a group of musicians, engineers, and artists, who all strive to make great music. I want people to learn more about other members of the family, so I decided to start a FAMILY page at both Slate Digital and Steven Slate Drums.

The Family page will feature news articles about YOU.Your biography, your photos, your stories, your background, and of course, your MUSIC! Each week a new FAMILY member will be featured, and past FAMILY members will be put in the FAMILY album archives. We’re gonna find FAMILY members right in our forums (we’ll email you randomly if you post there), or you can request to be on our family page by emailing a support ticket and titling the subject “FAMILY”. You can see our first FAMILY member John Shepherd at

There are some other things I’d like to share with you about 2011.

- We will be adding new programmers to our team which will increase our efficiency to release new software faster. This has been important to me because we have so many great ideas, but it’s been hard to execute these ideas in a timely manner due to having such a small team.

- We’re going to be doing more tutorial and instructional videos on all our products to help you make the most of them
- I’m going to be doing live video clinics once our new digital room is complete. You’ll be able to chat with me and ask questions, live. I may also have some special guests pop in from time to time.

- You’ll find some major software upgrades to our plugins that will make them easier to use, so that you can make music, happier.

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Everyone on the Slate team is extremely excited about these new changes we’ll be implementing, and I think 2011 will be our best year yet. We’ve also got some surprises that I can’t tell you about just yet, but I think you’ll like them! I wish you and your families the happiest holidays and we’ll see you in the new year!

All The Best,
Steven Slate
Slate Digital
8331 Lookout Mountain Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Nothing wrong with their ambition and they are always good at answering questions. But... They can't keep on promising things which they later can't keep, and then keep on doing it again and again and again. That is the main thing they need to understand.
I got this message this morning. I replied with a few words of love/appreciation/support, sure enough Steven emailed me back within a few minutes thanking me. A class act.
Steven is a great person!While ago I accidentally deleted the partition where I was storing all my samples,software,music,pics,projects.I lost more than 300GB of files.Among the lost files were Steven Slate Drums EX 3.5.I contacted Steven via facebook's chat and he told me to email Slate Support Team.Then they gave me link to download the whole EX package once again.Everything was done in couple of days.He's best!
man, back in '07 or so, right after the platinum samples collection came out, they were pimping their shit on another forum and i mentioned that i'd love to buy their sample pack but didn't have the $$

lo and behold, the very next day one of the yellow matter guys took pity on my brokeness and sent me a free download link for the entire 3.5 pack....definitely one of the coolest things any business has ever done for me. while i see many people having service issues with slate, it seems like it's due more to their rapid growth stretching them thin rather than not caring about their customers. as a result, i can't help but rep. slate and his team for life, even if it seems lwell ensured that i would become a loyal customer of theirs, and have purchased several of his sample packs since.
Just noticed the e-mail. Yeah, there have been some delays and such. and yeah it can be a pain in the ass, but it's still a rather small company and the Slate people have always given great customer support and they seem like generally really nice folks. And Trigger absolutely rules. Thumbs up! :)