The fairer sex and their sweet eccentricities

It is when you get into the territory where being young is impossible and being sexy = old. At that age the "I have so many other options" argument becomes moot.

But whatever, it's not like we have to worry right now. BAHAHAHA
@vimana they were never asked to leave? That's just not put up with here. First would be a polite warning, number two would be gtfo, probably from the manager himself.

People are only asked to leave if it comes close to the time that we have to shut the doors and be out of there. It's a fancy restaurant with expensive food, so we pretty much let them stay as long as they want so that they'll buy more.
The trick is to avoid highly attractive women. They can afford to be picky and particular, and if you get with one, she knows full well you are expendable and she can let you go and find someone else lickity split. With someone less attractive, if they let you go, they run a huge risk (unless they're really slutty in which case plague take them).

This isn't a serious comment is it? :erk:
Well it's true. Many an emotionally sensitive man (such as myself) have been burned by women such as this.

Even my girl who I've been with for some time now carries an atmosphere of "whatever I have so many other options than you". She always comes back when we fight because we love each other but love has nothing to do with sex and she can get any guy she wants to spite me. She's hot.

and like zeph said, even less attractive chicks can still be whores and run this game.

pure evil.

That's total nonsense man. If she actually believes that, and not based on your perceived belief, then you're dating a girl with the intellect of a five year old, that's the problem, not the fact that she's hot.
All of those meanhearted unsnugglefull womons. To a woman, everything is stupid because it isn't an attempt to get with them. The world revolves around their prime orifice and it's cycles and reproductive role. If you are reading some philosophy or listening to a good album, you're being stupid because you could be doing some attempt at being an "alpha" bro that might result in your pene entering her woo woo slot.

A gross generalization of all women, but still true in large enough a percentage to be sad.
I think the only things I find frustrating about the opposite sex (at least around these parts) is how many of them have multiple children (and are single) and that many of them act like 15 year old girls well into their twenties. Yet, people wonder why I prefer to date women older than me. On the other hand, there aren't many women older than me who don't have children so this is a vicious cycle.

Also, why is this separate from the Males and Females thread?
Oh fuck I came back drunk and messaged an ex on fb telling her I want to get back with her. Oh no. Fuck, that poor chick. I'm the real asshole for doing that, not women. haha. What a dick.
I wonder if i could deal with a chick with offspring. I think the moment the question of me helping to take care of the brat(s) came up it would fall apart.
zabu of nΩd;10444763 said:
I wonder if i could deal with a chick with offspring. I think the moment the question of me helping to take care of the brat(s) came up it would fall apart.

I would be indifferent about her children going into the relationship, so I wouldn't even make it that far. They aren't my children so I wouldn't feel responsible for them at all.