The fairer sex and their sweet eccentricities

Each new JAGE post sings the good-bye vagina song louder. Soon there will be no other way than to murder cunts as they are absolute fucking evil spawned in the deepest chasms of hell. I for one will enjoy the case of a serial murderer that goes by the moniker "sad shitty killer".
Each new JAGE post sings the good-bye vagina song louder. Soon there will be no other way than to murder cunts as they are absolute fucking evil spawned in the deepest chasms of hell. I for one will enjoy the case of a serial murderer that goes by the moniker "sad shitty killer".

is this post endorsing male celibacy or male homosexuality or males having necrophilia sex with female corpses??
The weirdest thing about it all is that consistently, over the year so far, the none related women in my life have been people who have been nicest to me, I just don't apply the loathing to them for some reason.
The weirdest thing about it all is that consistently, over the year so far, the none related women in my life have been people who have been nicest to me, I just don't apply the loathing to them for some reason.

But they are not safe, are they??