The fiend needs a new bass!

Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
Yo guys, ive been playing bass for about 4 years now and have started saving for a new one. I'm planning on spending about £800, (im guessing thats about $1300 americam but i could be wrong). I use my fingers and play in a thrash metal band and just want a really good chunky sound,I was gonna try and get hold of a fender precision bass like frankies' but im not too sure as i think theyre way to exepnsive(although i saw the spitting image of it in edinburgh for about £700). anyone got any reccomendations?

Any help would be appreciated,
Thrash fiend
Don't get a Fender bass just because Frank Bello plays one. If you play in a thrash metal band you need an ESP or Ibanez bass. Both companies make fine bass guitars that everyone can afford. There is nothing "metal" about a Fender Precision bass despite some of the pro players in some metal bands playing them. The pros like Bello and Harris are old now and they need to keep things conservative. I am guessing you are young and being in a thrash metal band you simply need to play a bass which harmonizes more with your age, image and sound.

I don't have any specific models to recommend you (I am a guitar player, not a bass player), but I suggest you browse around on the ESP and Ibanez site to see what they have to offer:
I have 2 esp viper 254's.
The sound is good, they play great and are all around a good bang for the buck. You may also want to check out spector, that have korean made ones that play and sound awesome for the cash.
it's a yorkiville 400 watt head with a yorkville 1x15 and hartke 4x10

I also use a dbx compressor and bbe sonic maximizer.
I play guitar but, you should try a few different basses and get one that is a slight bit versitile. don't pigeon hole yourself into just a thrash bass if your gonna shell out big money.also age has nothing to do with what kind of guitar you own. buy something that has good tone. i see so many young bands with all kinds of expensive and, the newest coolest gear and their tone is terrible. get something that sounds good in a studio enviorment and on stage without having to fuck with it too much. you'll save a lot of recording time and, when you play out the guy doing the sound won't give a rat's ass about your tone in the mix (unless he's a freind and you're paying him). hopefully someone who has been playing bass for a while will point you in a few directions. remember if the gear you really want is a couple hundred bucks out of your price range wait a little while and save the extra money. you'll be happy in the long run.
These are the spectors

Very affordable and very nice for the money.
If you are gonna drop that much money, I would recomend a Ricky, a Fender, a Spector, or a high end Washburn.
Thrillho said:
If you are gonna drop that much money, I would recomend a Ricky, a Fender, a Spector, or a high end Washburn.

I have a higher end washburn that I bought on ebay and was never thrilled with it, but it does have a music man type pickup and that tone just doesn't work for me.
Abot 550 for a bolt on strat shape or about 850 for a nech through rex brown (thunderbird shape)

Thrash fiend said:
Yo guys, ive been playing bass for about 4 years now and have started saving for a new one. I'm planning on spending about £800, (im guessing thats about $1300 americam but i could be wrong). I use my fingers and play in a thrash metal band and just want a really good chunky sound,I was gonna try and get hold of a fender precision bass like frankies' but im not too sure as i think theyre way to exepnsive(although i saw the spitting image of it in edinburgh for about £700). anyone got any reccomendations?

Any help would be appreciated,
Thrash fiend

Save your can get a quality Korean made bass for a lot less than $1300 USD if you want to buy new. The Korean quality is excellent these days. Many the components and woods are the same as the American made versions, yet they are assembled in Korea because of the cheap labor...they come back to the states for the fine finishing and final QC. ESP/LTD, Schecter, those Spectors are cool too. Otherwise check out may be able to find something very unique for a decent price...I love the Gibson Victory series from the early 80' brother still has his...a very unique axe! Good luck! I love buying new guitars!
checkout Dean too. I own 2 Dean basses and am pleased with both of them. My first bass was an Ibanez. VERY easy to play, I am still in love with it even though it is cheap.

Seriously though, for that kind of money, there is nothing more durable and versatile then a Rick.

If you are into processing, check out the Line 6 basses too. Pretty easy to play and a world of tone built into it.
Thrillho said:
checkout Dean too. I own 2 Dean basses and am pleased with both of them. My first bass was an Ibanez. VERY easy to play, I am still in love with it even though it is cheap.

Seriously though, for that kind of money, there is nothing more durable and versatile then a Rick.

If you are into processing, check out the Line 6 basses too. Pretty easy to play and a world of tone built into it.

Good suggestions...forgot to mention Dean. I don't find Ricks to be very metal...well, Lemmy's done fine with them, but that's truly old school.
Rick's are not "metal looking" but they are unmatched in sound. Sooo bright. Plus they are very versatile. You can get a wide aray of tones out of them - raise the pickups, sink the pickups, take the gaurd off the bridge pickup - you can make it sing or you can make it rumble.

BUT there are also many other awesome basses too. You should really shop around A LOT and decide for yourself what suits you best. Before I make large purchases I usually spend at least a couple weeks shopping around and seeing what my money can get me. Nothing sucks more then blowing a grand and then seeing a better deal the next day.
Just on the metal looking subject, if you don't like the way a bass looks don't buy it. This shouldn't be the most practical purchase in your life. You should look at this thing and think it's bad ass.
Alembics are great but the $1200 you could buy a better bass for the money. You are right though they are art, some of them get very pricey though.

I've never played an aria? Any good? The prices are pretty low.