The Fine art of committing Myspace Suicide....

Very interesting read.

I never really liked any of the layouts of myspace, and can see the sheer amounts of random spam that get thrust onto the comments section of every band i look up; I never joined for that reason. What annoys me the most is when you go to check out a bands music on myspace, and another bands embedded player automatically starts before you do anything. you then have to scroll through the comments to find the offender. or, in most cases - go to youtube instead...
A great read, thanks for posting! It is true that PR's worst kept secret is to engage. If you don't engage your consumers, then you have nothing.
Yeah, Myspace is just horrible. I mean, It WAS great for bands (conveniently getting news on them). It was the whole reason I used it before I gave up a few years ago. It just kept going down hill from there and the bots were completely annoying as well.
Very interesting read - It's sad how what originally was such a pioneering idea at the time could turn into such a barren wasteland over the space of a couple of years. Every time I log on these days it just seems to be full of spam and errors :lol:
It's almost an incovenience now to be honest. I'll keep the PQ page up for the forseeable future but I'm thinking of removing my personal page now
I know what you mean...particularly sucks that they switched bands over to the new profile. It screwed all the coding for many of us who had put a lot of time into layout designs! I just can't be bothered to go back in there and make a new code, now.
Yeah.... I actually paid someone to do our layout so it's pretty outrageous that they can just change it without any warning
I agree with most of what he said. MySpace is fast making itself obsolete. The amount of self-serving spamming is staggering and leads to nothing but annoyed recipients in most cases. There is no possibility for people without accounts to interact with bands, which is a big setback.
Yeah.... I actually paid someone to do our layout so it's pretty outrageous that they can just change it without any warning

I would have done it for free Steve, you should have asked me, I set up several band's pages for them on Myspace back in the day.

I despise that place with a passion now though...