The illegal download/piracy/legal download/music business in 2011 thread

Read about a week ago that the biggest CD company here in Sweden have gone bankrupt and will close all it's stores. Not sure if there even are any other CD stores here in Sweden. It's really sad what's happening to the music business today:(

I think it's the biggest here in Sweden, and it says so in the news paper as well

No matter what it's still a big one and it's still really sad. Tought times...

Never heard of them, but sad that people lose their jobs anyway. I'd like to reprint one of the comments to the article here (own translation):

Johan@ said:
In 2010, physical CD sales went down about 22%. Everyone's affected, traditional CD stores probably more so than the average joe. Nothing strange about it at all, the CD is a product nobody (few) wants. I've sold two bags of old CDs in the latest month. When even the used record store proprietor tells you it's a sucky product, you slowly start to smell the coffee. The music lives on, but the format died years ago. Nothing new.

2010 minskade den fysiska skivförsäljningen med ca 22 %. Alla drabbas, traditionella skivbutiker säkert ännu hårdare än genomsnittet. Inget konstigt alls, cdskivan är en produkt ingen (få) vill ha. Har senaste månaden sålt två kassar gamla skivor. När tom begagnat handlaren sa det är en usel produkt anar man vart det är på väg. Musiken lever vidare, men formatet dog för flera år sedan. Inget nytt.

Not saying that I agree with everything he says, but I've put what I feel it all boils down to in bold. There are always going to be people who want the "old deal" (vinyl lives and prospers in collector homes everywhere), but for the majority, you NEED to get with the program. This goes even moreso for artists and labels. Maybe moreso for the labels.
The format didn't die, just the idea of paying for it...

But that's a cause-and-effect situation, wouldn't you agree? The idea of paying for the CD format 'dies,' thus incurring the death of the CD format itself.
On the topic of piracy.... Grooveshark (free music streaming site) now has Blood Alliance.... in addition to all the other albums with bonus tracks.

Well you can no longer download from Grooveshark! The libraries are also screwed up massively, I use it in class and I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain "fan" uploaded it, I saw him uploading a flash drive of stuff on Friday....

All in all Grooveshark is fairly harmless as it is just streaming, though a quick search brought up a few piracy sites with the album on them. Kind of sad as the album is not even released worldwide! Rage.
Well, I don't think with millions of CD sales still occurring worldwide in the present climate can be described as a dead format. Maybe that's just me that thinks a format needs to die before becoming 'dead' :p
Oh yea, but wouldn't you agree the format is certainly in a popularity decline? :p
I agree. I should clarify that I don't think the format is dead either, but it unfortunately seems to be steadily heading that way!