The Fountain


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis

I've watched it about 10 times in the past few weeks, and it just get better and better every time I watch it. Easily Aronofsky's best film to date. It's pretty cool how he made a film that can be interpreted in so many different ways, but yet not stray away from the center point of the film.
The Fountain while still a very good movie did not live up to my expectations of Aronofsky. It's the imagery is prolly the most beautiful in any movie i've seen though. Maybe I need to rewatch it since I hyped it up so much in my head before seeing it the first time.
definitely one of the best.
took me a while to get into it during the movie and another half an hour after but still,
it totally blows you away.
Watching it in a theatre was an incredible experience...almost overwhelming.
Several moments in that movie gave me the chills....I fucking love it.

It's just....heart breaking?
I mean, I was a wreck after seeing that movie. It really hit a nerve.
I'm currently trying to get ahold of the graphic novel it was based off of.

I dedicated one of my jewelry pieces to it...i'll have to post that later :)
Also, the fact he used no CGI whatsoever during the movie is mind blowing. Chemical reactions FTW.

You're kidding? That's awesome.

I had so badly wanted to see this in the cinema and then my friend who i don't see often dragged me to Smokin' Aces instead, i feel bad even mentioning that film in this thread actually, and then it wasn't in the cinema anymore. I really enjoyed it when i finally saw it though, only watched it the once so far but it was just perfect and looked amazing in HD. The chronology seemed so natural too. I'll watch it again tonight, wouldn't want to watch it in the daytime.