The Fred Norrman thread


Black Stone Wielder
May 21, 2001
New Zealand
Thought it was time for a thread about the forgotten third member :grin: (well, I've never seen any interviews with him, or anything else for that matter, and when was the last time a reviewer complemented his playing?:err: ).

Anyway, on to the interesting (?) stuff..........

I see he's now listed as co-lead guitarist in LFDGD. Anyone have any idea in which songs he plays lead? I pretty much worship Anders lead/melody work, I'm wondering if I should be throwing some of that worship Freds way (a slightly embarrassing question, I pride myself on being able to identify guitarists styles, and I only recently read the album credits :cry: ).
Same question applies to October Tide, who's playing when, Jonas or Fred??? I have no idea!!:err:
It's hard to tell, isn't it.

I just listen to the music without trying to distinguish parts cause it's too hard and really doesn't lead anywhere...:confused:

He definitely is underrated though, which is a pity because I think he's cool!;)

I love them all!
as far as I saw in Istanbul concert Fred plays the solo parts...
may be I'm wrong. better to answered by Anders or Fred himself...
Ok, someone else must have seen them live, surely?

Where are you people, someone has all the answers!!!!

Where are you?????!!!!!

And what about on Brave Murder Day?? Did Fred get to play any of those jaw-dropping melodies, or was he relegated to 'chugging' duty??

Anyone? :confused:
OK, here's my problem. Click the 'back' button on your browser (not yet! Wait till I've finished. Geez.......:p ). See the number of views this thread has gotten? 154 as I type this.

154- ok, 3 or 4 are probably me, checking back, but 154!!!

Surely someone knows?:cry:
hmm, i think Anders played solis in Paris

and he signed my ticket at the end of the gig coz i didn't have anything else for this ...
I asked some friends who saw the concert in Paris too and they told me both Fredrik and Anders were playing lead guitar and rythm guitar, it depended on the song...