The Friday Five

Ear Worms!
Ear worms are those annoying little songs that get stuck in your head. Sometimes they are the last song you hear on the radio, or a commercial jingle you see on tv before you leave the house, and sometimes they just randomly pop in out of nowhere.

1. What is a common ear worm that you get?
2. How long do they last?
3. What do you do to get rid of them?
4. What is the worst ear worm you've ever had?
5. Do you get some guilty pleasure in passing the ear worm along?

1. Fly Me To The Moon
2. So long that I can sing the song a couple of times.
3. Sing it.
4. Don't remember, probably FMTTM in a place I couldn't get rid of it.
5. Whole heartedly: YES!:lol:
Money money money..

1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.
Money money money..

1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.

1) Meh.. India's currency is much cooler looking...
2) Definitely bills. I hate carrying around loose change.
3) See #1
4) I used to collect coins as a kid. Silver dollars, Mercury Dimes etc etc
5) Yes, but I think there would have to a "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" type of system in order to keep things fair. Money creates too many problems.
Money money money..

1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)? Yeah, nothing like the greenback!
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better? I wish they had 1, 5 and 10 dollar coins and junk the nickels and pennies already..
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why? French Pacific Franc (CFP) - because you're in Tahiti when you are spending them
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate. Collected old pennies when I was young, nothing now.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain. Make it So No. 1, when we come up with the Star Trek Replicator everything will have no intrisic worth, until then it's going to have to do and money's a little handier than the barter system...
Money money money..

1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.

1. Aussie notes are awesome, lots of different colours, easy to differentiate between values. Coins seem a bit silly with size being in no way related to value though...

2. Notes (bills)

3. Not sure

4. I save my money... :p

5. Not in todays day and age with so much 'hypothetical' wealth, back in the days of hunting/gathering it would work fine with trading and what not...
Money money money..

1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.

1. Eh, it's alright. It gets the job done.
2. Bills. Preferably the large ones.
3. Don't really have one.
4. I collect both. The bills come in handy when going out to eat, and the coins are mainly for doing laundry.
5. No. If it's not paper or coins for currency, society will find something else for bartering. It might not be called "money," but society would find something else to attach value.
Money money money..

1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.

1. Not really. The Euros we have now are made of some crappy material. The Finnish marks were not just material-wise better but they also looked better. Especially the Finnish mark bills were the best looking compared to any other bills I had encountered in my travels.
2. I like bills better because they fold in nicely in a wallet. A lot of coins take awful lot of space. But since coins are much used I really like them both, especially if I have a huge amount of them.
3. I don't have one really. But if would be one that has easy exchange value to euros to remember.
4. I collect all the little exhange into my piggy bank and I'll buy some useful household stuff from time to time (snacks, toilet paper, tooth paste, food etc)
5. It depends on the size of the society and laws within it. No current state in the world can survive without money if there's another one with it. And I think if you get rid of money people will always trade with something and will find replacement which will eventually resemble money.
1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
Nope, I think US currency is horribly boring.
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
As far as use as currency, I'd say bills..easier to carry.
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
I can't choose just one, there are quite a few countries out there that have some pretty cool bills/coins.
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
Yep. I collect foreign currency as well as older US bills/coins & special stuff like $2 bills and the quarters with states on them & so on.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.
There are a bazillion people who work in finance who'd be SOL without money, so I don't know.. *g*
1. Do you like the look of your country's currency (bills and coins)?
I guess? Remember that scene in "Half Baked" where John Stewart is talking about the dollar bill "on weed"? Good stuff.
2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
Bills. Less heavy, and they don't fall out of your pockets.
3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
The only one I've ever really been in contact with is the Euro, so I guess that.
4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
Nope. I have trouble holding onto them.
5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.
No. Like Lasse said, I think currency naturally arises as a way of exchanging goods, labor, services, etc.. It just makes sense.
it's friday where I am.
okay, I offer thee questions fiveth, for thou to answereth me, on this holieth of days - this day of questions fiveth.

1. do you follow any diets?
2. what's your most listened to song at the moment. like, what's your song of the week? it's okay to link to youtube.
3. top show on TV right now? (you don't have to be watching it on TV - any recent or ongoing series is okay)
4. which is your favorite fruit and why? (don't bother with technicalities like "but that's not actually a fruit!")
5. Lovecraft vs. E.A.Poe
1. Yes! Eating only one proper meal a day, but that's just cause I'm too lazy to eat until I'm starving.
3. Louie, Louis CK is great
4. Orange, when you get good ones they are just awesome. Especially when eaten cool out of the fridge, or made into a proper fresh orange juice.
5. Hell if I know. I never read either except for some obvious shit like "The Raven" by Poe.
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1. Not really. I just stay away from bad habits like eating junk food regularly.
2. This is gonna sound really boring but it's Beethoven's Für Elise, simply because I'm currently learning it on piano. That's right I play piano now.
3. Through the Wormhole
4. Same as Wander. ;)
5. Poe, then again it's probably because I didn't read that much Lovecraft.
1. do you follow any diets?

2. what's your most listened to song at the moment. like, what's your song of the week? it's okay to link to youtube.
I'll go with this:

3. top show on TV right now? (you don't have to be watching it on TV - any recent or ongoing series is okay)
Game of Thrones, the only TV show.

4. which is your favorite fruit and why? (don't bother with technicalities like "but that's not actually a fruit!")
Peaches, cause who does not like peaches. Or Apricot. Apricot too.

5. Lovecraft vs. E.A.Poe
Both. Two of the greatest. The Mountains of Madness, & Mask of the Red Death.
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1. not really. If I plan to eat pizza I probably won't eat much else that day.
3. breaking bad.
4. apples! they are great for your tummy and are super tasty.
5. lovecraft.
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1. Not really. I just try to eat healthy in general, and stay away from fast food.
2. Agalloch's entire "The Mantle" album. I just put that sucker on and let it play for hours.
3. Community. I've also been watching Scrubs on Netflix
4. Black plums, because they're fucking delicious
5. Poe

Who is the new designated question asker?