The Friday Five

1. do you follow any diets?

No, I´m eating more fast food and drinking more beer than I should.

2. what's your most listened to song at the moment. like, what's your song of the week? it's okay to link to youtube.

The Walk pt. I, Gazpacho.

3. top show on TV right now? (you don't have to be watching it on TV - any recent or ongoing series is okay)

Borgias, Season 01. Apparently those were good times for Popes...

4. which is your favorite fruit and why? (don't bother with technicalities like "but that's not actually a fruit!")

Green Melon. Too different from an "average" melon.

5. Lovecraft vs. E.A.Poe

Lovecraft, but just for the inspiration for "The Call of Ktulu". Nah, seriously, I haven´t explored American Literature. Don´t throw stones at me yet, Latinamerican, European and (a little bit of) African authors can keep you busy :goggly:.
1. I follow the Simple Human Common Sense Diet: eat lean protein, some carbs, some grain, vegetables and fruits, and only pig out on junk food on extremely rare occasions.
2. Clutch - Ghost
3. Parks & Rec
4. Apples
5. Poe is undoubtedly the superior writer, Lovecraft's style is piss-poor in many of his works. However, I think Lovecraft's sense of world-building is better and I like that he has one foot in the door of horror, the other in sci-fi.
1. neh


3. Dexter. Just finished watching season 5 on DVD.

4.Mango. Because it tastes like heaven :p

5. Really not able to comment on this; I know who they are, but haven't read much of them as far as I know.
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1. Last week it was beer, booze and cheap microwave stuff. This week it'll be whatever my hangover allows me to eat.

2. [ame][/ame]

3. Boardwalk Empire is cool.

4. Pineapples. But it has to be carved from a whole one, none of that canned stuff.

5. Both are among my favourites. Poe writes a bit better, but Lovecraft's imagination is beyond anyone else I've ever read.
and here we are again!

1. Favorite song ON THE RADIO now?
2. Best video game of 2011?
3. Most interesting Shakespeare play?
4. Fastest you have ever driven?
5. If I could re-do my life, I would pursue a career in _____?
1. I really don't know about right now. I haven't listened to radio in a while. However, I don't want to cop out so... A friend linked this to me today and told me that it's on the radio. Hilarious:

2. Batman - Arkham City

3. I don't know enough Shakespeare plays well enough to really compare, but I'll say Hamlet.

4. Maybe 140km/h. I don't usually do speeding.

5. Motorsport.
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With its appearance on the official Symphony X forum, "Gangnam Style" has now officially taken over the internet. - September 2012



2. Arkham City
3. Macbeth
4. 107mph in a Ford Windstar. I'm such a badass.
5. Journalism
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I only have one real answer. :erk:

1. Favorite song ON THE RADIO now?
I never really listen to music on the radio.

2. Best video game of 2011?
I don't play anymore. (but I'm pretty sure it would have been Skyrim)

3. Most interesting Shakespeare play?
I have to say Hamlet was the one I felt the most.

4. Fastest you have ever driven?
I don't drive yet.

5. If I could re-do my life, I would pursue a career in _____?
If I could re-do my life I would of course sell everything and bet on the 2008 collapse or something, no need for a career.
Seriously though, I've already dropped out before getting a degree just to pursue what I'm more interested in. Problem life?
1. Favorite song ON THE RADIO now?
it's these girls again, with their latest single

2. Best video game of 2011?
2011... Well, TES: Skyrim.

3. Most interesting Shakespeare play?
One of the tragedies. Halmet, King Lear or Macbeth.

4. Fastest you have ever driven?
uhm, 110km/h or something. I have a license but I don't own a car and I don't drive in the city.

5. If I could re-do my life, I would pursue a career in _____?
just buying stocks.
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1. Didn't say it had to be a top 40 station. ;)

2. Skyrim
3. I've always liked Hamlet the best.
4. 110mph on a backroad in California
5. I would become a software engineer instead of electrical. Or finance.
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1. Gangnam Style, hands down.
2. Tough choice between Skyrim and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I also think Resident Evil: Revelations deserves a mention.
3. No clue, was never a fan.
4. Probably somewhere around 100 mph. I don't really keep track.
5. Deep sea explorer.
I'm pretty sure nobody remembered to ask questions last friday. So I'll do it now.

1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
3. What's your morning routine?
4. What was your last "big" purchase?
5. What's been taking your free time recently?
1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
Cosmosquad, Chad's Smith Bombastic Meatbats, and similar projects.

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
Our elected politicians of course. lol

3. What's your morning routine?
Stretching exercises, cold shower, and coffee <3

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
Yamaha digital piano with realistic weighted keys + piano libraries.

5. What's been taking your free time recently?
Learning to play piano.
1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
David Torn

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
Most everything

3. What's your morning routine?
Wake up, stare at the ceiling, prepare to gather the strength to get out of bed, gather the strength to get out of bed, get out of bed, groom myself, read, head to the bus stop

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
Bunch of books.

5. What's been taking your free time recently?
1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
Probably Insomnium or Agalloch. I hadn't heard of them before

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
Being forced to miss the Symphony X/Iced Earth concert. Our university wind ensemble was doing our own tour at the same time, and I couldn't make it. I ordered tickets early and everything, and then found out I couldn't go about a month and a half before.

3. What's your morning routine?
Wake up, fall back asleep, wake up again when alarm goes off 5 minutes later, wash my face, eat something, brush my teeth, leave for school/work.

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
University parking permit.

5. What's been taking your free time recently?