The Friday Five

1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
Swans is very interesting. For something really obscure, Bethany Weimers and Wilsen.

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
My inability to write.

3. What's your morning routine?
Snoozing for way too long until getting up to brush my teeth and leaving to uni in a big hurry every time, without breakfast.

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
AKG K701 headphones

5. What's been taking your free time recently?
Reading Beowulf
1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
First Aid Kit.

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
In Mourning - The Weight of the Oceans
The first track is amazing (one of the best songs this year), but other than that it's just so very bland.

3. What's your morning routine?
I don't have one. I usually check the internet for a couple of hours.

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
Made a big pledge for a Kickstarter

5. What's been taking your free time recently?
Guild Wars 2 up until recently. Hit max level then got bored of the game.
Other that, I've been doing some job interview stuff. Also University stuff.
But most recently, I've been playing Faster Than Light. Amazing little game.
The Imagined Village or Shook Twins

American politics

Don't have one. I get up, I go to work.

I haven't bought anything big in a while. Lots of books.

Surround sound audio mixing and developing standards.
ah fuck, I didn't read the "anything" for question 2. even though I'm not american I'd have to go with Ken's pick. not that swedish politics has been impressive either...
1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
Hmmm not so many probably Gojira

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
"Mensalao" (monthly payments for congressmen political support) judgement on our (Brazil) supreme court. It's gone political, not technical, wich is always a fucked up thing to see

3. What's your morning routine?
Turn off alarm at 5:55, take out bug-killer from wall, brush teeth wash face, feed the cat, sit down and write until it's time for work

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
February I took my wife and all our things, moved blindly to a city 3500 km from where I was borned and raised. Purchased my life back, but it costed 2/3 of our 5 year savings

5. What's been taking your free time recently?
Finishing my master in social science, working
4. What was your last "big" purchase?
AKG K701 headphones

Sweet! I wanted to get those but they were a bit beyond what I was willing to pay. I went with the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 instead (no regrets as they're superb cans too for the price).

American politics
even though I'm not american I'd have to go with Ken's pick

Not American either, but as one of those who dared think Ron Paul had a chance and as someone who followed that GOP bullshit convention, I can't say I'm not in disappointment either.
Sweet! I wanted to get those but they were a bit beyond what I was willing to pay. I went with the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 instead (no regrets as they're superb cans too for the price).

Yeah, I'm really happy with these so far. I previously had Shure SRH840, but wanted open-backs for comparison and also something a bit lighter/more comfortable to wear and I reckon the 205€ at Thomann musikhaus was quite an excellent prize for headphones of this tier. I hear good thing of Audio-Technica too so I'm sure those are excellent closed-backs.

I'ts just a shame that ever since I tried proper headphones for the first time, I can't go with anything cheap anymore. Darn hi-fi bug. :grin:
1. The Imagined Village (thx to Kenneth)

2. Cannot recall any disappointments worth even mentioning...

3. Wake up->shower->multivitamins-> a little guitar -> work

4. Plane tickets to Germany to meet my sister.

5. Playing some Heroes of Might and Magic IV and listening music.
1. The best musical discovery you've made this year?
Tough question, but I´ll go with Gazpacho and Lunatic Soul.

2. The biggest disappointment of the year? (anything)
Realizing that I surely won´t be able to start another career for another year at least.

3. What's your morning routine?
Since I never wake up before 10:00 am, I really don´t have time for a properly called "morning routine".

4. What was your last "big" purchase?
an Electroacoustic Guitar, an Oxygen-61 MIDI Controller and a M-audio Pedal Expression.

5. What's been taking your free time recently?
My Licentiate thesis.
ok here's friday's five

1. do you think wanderer smells of cat food?
2. do you know wanderer smells of cat food?
3. do you hope wanderer smells of cat food?
4. would you wager wanderer smells of cat food?
5. how does cat food smell anyway?
Yes it does.

wander verb ( WALK ) /ˈwɒn.dər//ˈwɑːn.dɚ/
[I or T] to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction
We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
She was found several hours later, wandering the streets, lost.
He was here a moment ago but he's wandered off somewhere.


wander - noun
While you're in your meeting I can go for/have/take a wander around the city.