1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
"He was provoking me" from Men At Work. My brother and I laughed at that for days. And Keith David is funnier'n shit throughout the movie. I agree with JDub's Hudson though - there is not one line he utters in the movie that isn't funny in its desperation. "So why don't you put her in charge?"
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
Jack Butler. Um, Steve Vai, in a movie!
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
Jack Ass - Why? Kid living across the street from my parents actually killed his friend trying to repeat one of the stunts from the movie. Fucking dumbass. But, in reality, that kid is a fucking dumbass, and his actions have no bearing on the the movie. I just think the movie's dumb.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
Buckaroo Banzai - "Tay, Tay! Big Boo-Tay!"
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?
Actually, I like them all. Honestly. Plus the fact I get to watch them with my daughter and laugh. A lot. And soon I will get to watch them all several times a day with my son. Maybe even my son and my daughter together. I have seen Finding Nemo at least 350 times, and I still enjoy watching it. One day I even watched four times! (Young children like repetition, and it helps them learn) And The Incredibles was in fact incredible. I based a market design review to a Vice President on Monsters, Inc. Those in the room who had kids got a good kick out of it. Cars was great too. I especially like the short clips they have with each movie. Bounding was totally funny as hell. And the frickin' Barbie Tour Guide scene in Toy Story 2 had me rollin'.