The Friday Five

Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?
1. The line from Billy Madison that the game show announcer said after Billy said his answer for the industrial revolution.
2. Don't like movies with "villains"; I watch only comedy and nothing else.
3. Almost all of them.
4. None
5. None

As you can see, I am not a fan of movies at all; I only watch them if I'm atrociously and abhorrently bored. Even then, there is a low chance that I'll watch one. :erk:
Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?

1. Braveheart - "Every man dies, not every man truly lives" - very true
2. hmm, Darth Vader (he's original, purely evil and nearly unstoppable) and
The Joker (Jack Nicholson was too perfect in that role, really memorable)
3. can't really think of one
4. Independence Day
5. Haven't seen too many, but I loved "The Incredibles." It was entertaining,
funny, and fresh how it used the superhero story in a context that
everyone can still relate to (being a family)
Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?
1. This is gonna take a bit of thinking but.... "They peed on my rug." The Big Lebowski is the best movie ever.

2. The best villain of all time has to be Barbosa from the first Pirates of the Carribean.


4. The original Highlander movie. :notworthy

5. Random question O.o Not a fan of the whole "Digital animation" thing though.
Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?

1) Just about everything out of Hick's mouth in "Aliens". You're not human if you haven't felt that kind of despair....."Game Over!"

2) Chuckie - He reminds me a lot of myself when I'm in a bad mood- lol
3) Adam Sandler movies - Except for The Longest Yard, I hate him like you would not believe
4) Blood Sucking Freaks - There is a core group of this that worship this movie, but I can't tell you how many people have gotten up and left the room because of it (male & female) it's not a good date movie, first time you laugh, you're in trouble......

5) I generally despise Pixar and ALL the computer generated stuff. It's ok for landscapes, and MOSTLY ok for LOTR battle scenes, If I HAD to pick one, I'd say the first Toy Story...

Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?

1. "Oh yes, it will be mine" from Wayne's World because we all say/think it in some fashion when we see something we want.
2. I liked Stephen Dorff's character in the original Blade because of his mannerisms and reactions.
3. Napolean Dynamte or Titanic
4. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
5. Toy Story! I don't think there's a need for a reason.
Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?
1. Get off my dick! Snakes on a Plane
2. Harry and Marv from Home Alone
3. Fast and the Furious. No doubt.
4. I'll edit this post when I think of one.
5. Toy Story, duh.
1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?

"He was provoking me" from Men At Work. My brother and I laughed at that for days. And Keith David is funnier'n shit throughout the movie. I agree with JDub's Hudson though - there is not one line he utters in the movie that isn't funny in its desperation. "So why don't you put her in charge?"

2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?

Jack Butler. Um, Steve Vai, in a movie!

3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.

Jack Ass - Why? Kid living across the street from my parents actually killed his friend trying to repeat one of the stunts from the movie. Fucking dumbass. But, in reality, that kid is a fucking dumbass, and his actions have no bearing on the the movie. I just think the movie's dumb.

4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.

Buckaroo Banzai - "Tay, Tay! Big Boo-Tay!"

5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?

Actually, I like them all. Honestly. Plus the fact I get to watch them with my daughter and laugh. A lot. And soon I will get to watch them all several times a day with my son. Maybe even my son and my daughter together. I have seen Finding Nemo at least 350 times, and I still enjoy watching it. One day I even watched four times! (Young children like repetition, and it helps them learn) And The Incredibles was in fact incredible. I based a market design review to a Vice President on Monsters, Inc. Those in the room who had kids got a good kick out of it. Cars was great too. I especially like the short clips they have with each movie. Bounding was totally funny as hell. And the frickin' Barbie Tour Guide scene in Toy Story 2 had me rollin'.
ABQShredHead said:
I agree with JDub's Hudson though - there is not one line he utters in the movie that isn't funny in its desperation. "So why don't you put her in charge?"

2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?

Jack Butler. Um, Steve Vai, in a movie!

Shit! I got the first letter right! I had a tinge of doubt, and should have checked IMDB.....TOTALLY spaced on Vai from Crossroads......good choice!

Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?

1. Wow, so many great movies with great lines, however I think the most endearing (and classic) line has to be "These go to eleven!"...I shouldn't have to explain this one :)
2. Maybe Kevin Spacey's character from Se7en, because he was just downright sick, twisted, and evil.
3. 95% of modern comedies and horror movies...they just don't make em like they used to (in the 80s).
4. I wouldn't say love, but not so many people dug Silent Hill...I liked it because I'm a fanboy of the videogames and get a kick out of seeing so many of the elements from the games brought to life on screen, but I can see how someone who doesn't know the games would say it sucks (because it really kinda does).
5. I never watch Pixar films :p
J-Dubya 777 said:
Shit! I got the first letter right! I had a tinge of doubt, and should have checked IMDB.....TOTALLY spaced on Vai from Crossroads......good choice!


Vai was absolutely perfect in that role. I crapped myself when that movie came out. Ah, the good ol' days.

You now have me jonesin' to see Aliens again. I haven't seen that movie in years, but all those lines are still in my head.
Kenneth R. said:
"A person is smart. A person has intellect. People are neither."
Totally agreed. Collectively, people are morons.

One other thing I hate is when preppy chicks pretend to be real air-headed just because it's apparently the cool thing to do.
Jax said:
Without further ado, this week's questions:

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?

1. From Wedding Crashers "What are you going to do for an encore? Walk on water?"

2. The Witch King from LOTR. He's just sweet

3. Napoleon Dynamite. Stupidest movie ever

4. Snow dogs. Yes, with Cuba Gooding Jr.

5. Toy Story, because it was one of the first movies i can remember watching.