The Friday Five

Friday the 13th Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.

1. Don't think so.

2. Not bad luck, at least. Can't say I feel very lucky either.

3. Not without intention.

4. Not that I can remember.

5. Erhh.. Well, when I broke my leg a long time ago I guess I could be a lot worse off with how I fell and all... So I guess I was pretty lucky then.
1. Are you superstitious?
No. I am aware of superstitions, but I don't follow them.

2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
Mediocre luck.

3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)

4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
Not that I remember.

5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.
Um, I don't know.
Friday the 13th Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.

1. Nope
2. Nope, and I think once people get into that frame of mind, they start associating everything that happens with their 'luck', when in actual fact 'luck' has nothing to do with it...
3. Yep, and no bad luck resulted...
4. Nope
5. When I was born into my particular family (though I don't believe it was luck...)
A SymX related Five:

1. What was the first SymX song you heard?
2. When did you hear it?
3. Which was your first SymX cd?
4. When and where did you see the band for the first time? If you haven't seen them yet, will you be seeing them at any of the upcoming shows?
5. Have a photo with any of the band members? Share it here (just one photo, please).
1. Smoke and Mirrors.
2. 2002. I think it was right before The Odyssey came out. Or right after.
3. Live on the Edge of Forever - it was the only one the CD store had.
4. Cleveland in 02 or 03.

(It's tiny and like 5 years old. Look at my glasses, bare face, and short hair!)

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.
1. Sort of. Just for little fun things.
2. Tonight, BAD!
3. Not that I know of.
4. Again, not that I know of.
5. I just remember that last year I had a whole week where everything totally went my way... then the next week my windshield got smashed and my identity stolen. :lol: It always balances out.
Friday the 13th Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.

1. No
2. Somewhere in between.
3. No
4. No
5. I had a case of both good and bad luck this past week. Some motherfucker broke into my car, tried to steal my stereo and fucked up the ignition. But I guess I was lucky that my car was actually still there the next morning.
Friday the 13th Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.
Whoops, late, oh well.
1. Not at all
2. Moderates between the two
3. Yes actually, and I have NEVER HAD CONSTANT BAD LUCK! Disproveowned.
4. Nope
5. Well, I decided to change classes this semester in school, and in my new class, I met this kid who was the bass player for a band that just broke up, like a week before I switched classes. There was also another really good guitarist in the class that knew the guitarist of the bassist's band. Well, since their band broke up and I was looking for another guitarist for Iumentus, I decided it would be perfect timing to give the bassist a demo for his guitar player to listen to. He decided that he didn't care about the band anymore, and he gave the demo to the guitarist. He liked it, and after a long wait in anticipation, 3 weeks later he finally joined my group. Whoo!
Friday the 13th Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.

1. Not in the slightest bit.
2. The way I see it, I get exactly what I deserve to get when I deserve to get it. No luck, just karma.
3. Yeah, when I was a wee lad, it's kind of ironic really. I was trying to open the medicine cabinet to get a band-aid out cause I had a cut, and I was pulling on the wrong side of the mirror to open it and ended up ripping the thing right off the wall (Plus I was standing on the sink, that didn't help) and it shattered all over me and cut me everywhere when I fell to the concrete floor.
4. See answers 1 and 2.
5. I once beat the hangover cure mission in Tony Hawk's Underground on Insane difficulty. Probably the toughest thing I had ever done.
Friday the 13th Five:

1. Are you superstitious?
2. Do you think you have good luck or bad luck?
3. Ever broken a mirror? (allegedly this causes 7 years bad luck)
4. Ever done any traditional 'bad luck' things (black cat cross your path, open an umbrella indoors, etc.) and actually had bad luck afterwards?
5. Tell us about one time you were really lucky.

1. Not at all * cuts off multiple black cats *
2. Not luck, just good outcomes based of educated judgment
3. Yuppers
4. Noppers
5. I seriously cant think of a time
1. What is your preferred method of keeping up with local, national and international news?
2. Does the media's bias (real or imagined) influence your preferred method of getting news information?
3. Have you ever been in the newspaper or on television?
4. What's the biggest news event that ever occured in the town you live in?
5. If someone of note (like Bush) were to come to your town, would you go see them?
1. What is your preferred method of keeping up with local, national and international news?
2. Does the media's bias (real or imagined) influence your preferred method of getting news information?
3. Have you ever been in the newspaper or on television?
4. What's the biggest news event that ever occured in the town you live in?
5. If someone of note (like Bush) were to come to your town, would you go see them?

1- Internet and newspaper
2- I know where to look :)
3- No
4- Last week, 32 people were killed in a traffic accident. Most of them were children on a school trip. :( (You may not believe your eyes if you happen to see the traffic in the big cities of Turkey.)
5- Definitely NO