The Friday Five

rofl... your #1 is exactly the problem with western society. it's always "they're wrong, we're right. conform to us, we don't want to compromise with you." god forbid we reach out to other cultures instead of conquering them. but I digress...

In one form or another, I agree. That is exactly what I said in my post in regards to the Middle East and Africa.
However, dealing with people who "know" that they will be rewarded with an afterlife filled with virgins by blowing themselves up will not always lead to peaceful resolution. I think peace will come when people will finally be allowed to look at their beliefs and openly question and criticize them. Not being horribly killed for doing so. I do sometime feel that it could soon become an "us or them" situation in the near future.:ill:
However, dealing with people who "know" that they will be rewarded with an afterlife filled with virgins by blowing themselves up will not always lead to peaceful resolution. I think peace will come when people will finally be allowed to look at their beliefs and openly question and criticize them. Not being horribly killed for doing so.

And they think it's ok to kill the "infidels" who don't believe as they do. That's scary.

I do sometime feel that it could soon become an "us or them" situation in the near future.:ill:

It already is. :erk:
1. If you could do one thing in the world, what would you do?
2. If you could be any character from a book, movie, or television show, who would you be? Why?
3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
4. If you could spend a day with one person of the same sex, who would it be?
5. If you could spend a day with one person of the opposite sex, who would it be?

1) Time travel
2)Pinhead - The Cenobite from Hellraiser - Nobody fucks with Pinhead & lives!:rock:
3) The United States of Earth :Saint: ;)
4) Frank Zappa (if he were still around)
5) My Mom (if she was still around)

And they think it's ok to kill the "infidels" who don't believe as they do. That's scary.

Yep, & that is my #1 problem with them. They are a cancer to this planet, and should be eliminated.
I love that everybody thinks the problem is islamic radicals. Why not all radicals? We have some right here with trigger fingers that just get overlooked. Seems very hypocritical to me. Way to get on the 'we hate islam bus'...
1: I wish I could travel and learn more about the cultures of various parts of the world (especially their music/art)....and I of course mean doing all this in person rather than reading it in books and watching documentaries.
2: The male lead from Underworld....he scored with Kate Beckinsale!
3: a more Unified planet overall with all the radicals, terrorists, tyrants, etc. (of any race, creed, or ethnicity)in boxes at the bottom of the ocean
4: Tough one....maybe CLiff Wittstruck, the dean of my college who also teaches a few guitar classes. I've had him for a class every semester, but I'd kill to be able to just have him one-on-one for a full day to learn from him. Best teacher I've ever come across.
5: How about 2 members of the opposite sex? and a cup?
Kenneth R said:
I love that everybody thinks the problem is islamic radicals. Why not all radicals? We have some right here with trigger fingers that just get overlooked. Seems very hypocritical to me. Way to get on the 'we hate islam bus'...

Good point. I actually despise Christianity (The GW Bush version at least) just as much (if not more) but, I had to refrain myself because it was irrelevant to what we were discussing.

Do you have any reasons why I should respect Islam and not jump on the "we hate Islam" bus?
Why should I respect what you believe in? :Spin: Hence, everyone should just respect everyone and stop the bitchfits. Bush's "Christianity" is about as Christian as Nickelback is to death metal.
I love that everybody thinks the problem is islamic radicals. Why not all radicals? We have some right here with trigger fingers that just get overlooked. Seems very hypocritical to me. Way to get on the 'we hate islam bus'...

I'd have to say that while I don't care for the religious radicals who protest at US soldier's funerals here, (for example) I would not wish them instant death. They are irritating, but as of yet, have caused zero deaths. Hopefully, karma will catch up with them, and they'll rot from the inside out. Radical Muslims, on the other hand believe that if you aren't one of them, and you turn down their offer to "convert", you will be executed, usually by beheading. This practice is going on full force in some of the shittier places on this planet. I have yet to see that kind of loss of life, and people living in fear, happening in this country. Look at all the problems that are happening in Spain, England, & France. I suppose they are being repressed, huh? It's up to the "peaceful" Muslim people to denounce their own radical factions, and that's something that is not done enough. Pure and simple, Islamic radicals want everyone else who is not one of their own, dead. Sorry, but I'll never
hold out an olive branch to anyone like that. I beleive we're much better off without them...Yeah, I'll be driving that bus...
Maybe they haven't directly caused death, but indirectly, you can't excuse their movement and what it's done to so many parts of the world. They're as bigoted as the next group of crazies, whether they push the button or pull the trigger or not- that's not really the point - they incite it, and incite it consciously.
Maybe they haven't directly caused death, but indirectly, you can't excuse their movement and what it's done to so many parts of the world. They're as bigoted as the next group of crazies, whether they push the button or pull the trigger or not- that's not really the point - they incite it, and incite it consciously.

I would never excuse their movement, perhaps I should go back & change my item in the latest list to "Do away with organized religion" but somehow I don't think that would be a cure-all either. Believe me, I'm just as against the Neo's, Skinheads, <<insert radical group of choice here>> but there's a huge difference in saying something, and putting it into practice. We won't have peace on this planet until LOTS of things change, on both sides of the playing field...
well now....calm down!
1. If you could do one thing in the world, what would you do? I wouldn't know where to start!
2. If you could be any character from a book, movie, or television show, who would you be? Why? Nitz Parker, and because he rocks!
3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Make sure this planet never existed in the first place!
4. If you could spend a day with one person of the same sex, who would it be? Russell Allen, just because he seems so awesome and is kind of an idol for me!
5. If you could spend a day with one person of the opposite sex, who would it be? Simmone Simmons, i've met her once, she does not only have a beautiful voice/body, but she is a really amazing person!
Pure and simple, Islamic radicals want everyone else who is not one of their own, dead. Sorry, but I'll never
hold out an olive branch to anyone like that. I beleive we're much better off without them...Yeah, I'll be driving that bus...

And this is what we have to fear. They believe this rhetoric to the point that they will strap bombs to themselves, walk into a crowd, & detonate. Mostly killing their own fellow muslims to try to get one non-muslim...this is insanity. Anybody who thinks this is ok & that we should try and "embrace" them has lost touch with reality also.

BTW...l'll be on the front seat of the bus with my AR-15 & plenty of clips.
The biggest problem is people are too scared to speak out against it. Or just don't because they feel it is politically motivated. Many of you may have heard of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's video that showed the horror women are subjected to under Islamic law. This is what happened to one of the collaborators (from wikipedia):
On November 2, 2004, Theo van Gogh was assassinated in public by Mohammed Bouyeri. A letter,[12] stabbed through and affixed to the body by a dagger, linked the murder to Van Gogh's film and his views regarding Islam. It was addressed to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and called for jihad against kafir (kafir is an Arabic word for unbeliever, a person who hides, denies, or covers the truth), and so, against America, Europe, the Netherlands, and Hirsi Ali herself. Following the murder of Van Gogh, there were fire-bombings of mosques and Muslim schools, and counterattacks against Christian churches. Besides Bouyeri, eleven other Muslim men were arrested and charged with conspiracy to assassinate Hirsi Ali.

These assholes want nothing more than to see everyone of us dead in the streets. I really hope the people over there (especially in power!) just give up these insane supernatural beliefs and start fixing this clusterfuck. I suppose it won't matter much anyway because many politicians in the White House view the destruction of the world as a glorious event.:erk:

Sorry. End of rant.:)
And this is what we have to fear. They believe this rhetoric to the point that they will strap bombs to themselves, walk into a crowd, & detonate. Mostly killing their own fellow muslims to try to get one non-muslim...this is insanity. Anybody who thinks this is ok & that we should try and "embrace" them has lost touch with reality also.

BTW...l'll be on the front seat of the bus with my AR-15 & plenty of clips.
Exactly, I hope we never see that kind of stuff here, but you never know.
The guy they caught a year or so ago with grenades at a nearby mall was enough for me to turn up a notch or 2 on my awareness meter.

The biggest problem is people are too scared to speak out against it. Or just don't because they feel it is politically motivated. Many of you may have heard of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's video that showed the horror women are subjected to under Islamic law.

These assholes want nothing more than to see everyone of us dead in the streets. I really hope the people over there (especially in power!) just give up these insane supernatural beliefs and start fixing this clusterfuck. I suppose it won't matter much anyway because many politicians in the White House view the destruction of the world as a glorious event.:erk:

Sorry. End of rant.:)

Yeah we barely even touched on the human rights abuses.
honor killings? WTF??!!

I know I'm guilty of perpetuating this, but we should probably take any further discussion to PM or mail, since we're killing politics & religion all in one thread. :erk:
All i will say is interesting and fairly well thought out points on both sides. I'll stay out and not take a side, though there's one i very clearly agree with here.

Just sayin, glad the convo hasn't degenerated to "no u r st00pid". :kickass: