The Friday Five

Which is why I brought it up to begin with, and to return to the 5 answers: some people expressed interest in curbing the spread of Islamic extremists. Sure. But 1.) Few muslims are 'extremists' and 2.) There's no reason to single out any particular group when as we've discussed, loonies come in all religions, political parties, and interest groups.
it's the precise same thing with any religion

glad someone said it!!

it seems that some people think that religions are radical in themselves. this IS radical thinking on it's own, and is just as detrimental as the radicals of religions. religion has deviciveness jus as the hatred for religion does. such a small portion of the people who belong to those religions are in radical factions.

it upsets me to see this:
It really is only a matter of time before it is law that you will be forced to become a Christian.
seeing as the statement was pretty radical in it's self.

i wish everyone didn't see things so extreme these days. people are always either a furious Conservative, or a staunch Liberal. Bombing a Building, Or Condemning those who bomb to hell. praying to god, or wanting to erradicate religion all together.listenning to rap, or wanting to stab ghetto kids.

i know that sounds extreme of me to say, therefore being radical myself, but understand my meaning: there are so many good people in this world with moderate beliefs or an understanding of both sides of every spectrum... but that's not what gets puplished. what shows on the news, or in movies or books, is the radical far side people who make people think that true strength is in a strong one sided opinion. i hope a middle man will someday be allowed to run for president. i hope someday religions will relize their common goals andwork together to build a better world. after all, what religion was not built with "love for your neighbor" in mind? i don't have the same views as you, but here we are on the same forum getting along.
Well, in a way I can see how that can be interpreted as somewhat radical but it does hold validity. People who harbor this extreme religious ideology are running for President. I'm afraid this is more real than you let on.

My point is, it is one thing if this was only in the news. The above people harbor very skewed ideas of what America should be and have expressed on many occasions, not even limited to the above, as to what is an "ideal" America.
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Which is why I brought it up to begin with, and to return to the 5 answers: some people expressed interest in curbing the spread of Islamic extremists. Sure. But 1.) Few muslims are 'extremists' and 2.) There's no reason to single out any particular group when as we've discussed, loonies come in all religions, political parties, and interest groups.

Actually, there is huge speculation as to the exact number of Muslim Extremists. There has never been an accurate poll that could even begin to suggest how many profess these extreme beliefs. Even if it was only 1% of the entire Muslim population that is still 14,000,000 people. Considering the complete lack of social and ideological exchange among cultures over there, it would make sense if it was a lot higher than 1%.
ROFLMAO @ Mitt Romney. He's exactly what America DOESN'T need. Ever. Exactly the kind of person we've been talking about. An intolerant asshole who wants, like Bush, to strongarm everyone into his little bubble. And just so you don't think I'm a filthy biased liberal, (Independent actually) his democratic counterpart is Hillary Clinton. Romney's the anti-immigrant, warmongering psychopath. Hillary's the femi-nazi.
Some damn good points here. Religions theoretically espouse largely the same views as each other, it's just you get the idiots in governments getting the peasants to focus on the differences between groups in order to justify the oppression of another group - usually with a view to obtaining their real estate, resources, geopolitical power and all that. Even within the same religions, there are massive differences, and factions that hate each other. Each group thinks they are the chosen ones, while the rest are a bunch of filthy deviants. Lunacy. It would be funny if it didn't cost so many lives and create so much misery.

We need a politics thread or something.... :cool:
See though, that view on religion isn't how it really is. Well, for actual believers. There is tolerance, heck they all even preach tolerance. It's the loonies that do this shit. Not us. :p
i agree Ken, but it needs to be more than tolerence. they need to help each ther. and learn from each oter. i went to catholic school for 12 years and they didn't teach us aa scrap about other religons. the "us on this side, them on that side" attitude hasd to change. but you are right there are people in all religions who understand this.
well, from the christian point of view, Jesus preached tolerance. Sure, he said "I am the only way to heaven" but he also said "don't scorn the unbeliever, he is your brother." It's a personal choice. Most of the instances of chastizing in the bible are centered on people who did believe, yet still misbehaved. The idea is, they should know better. Hypocrisy is pathetic. But there's no reason to accuse and attack others who don't share the same beliefs. Why should I force them to ascribe to things I believe in when they do not? They should follow their own beliefs justly.

It's the institution of religion, the organization of it, that often corrupts the messages. Not that organizing people with similar beliefs is wrong. But it becomes wrong when it seeks its own interest instead of the assembly. Like government, it should be of and for the people, rather than of and for the organization, like so many institutions have become. I hope this is clearly stated.
Is it just me...or is there an intelligent, respectful, and tolerant conversation about religion and politics occurring on the internet? I think I'm going blind.

i went to catholic school for 12 years and they didn't teach us aa scrap about other religons.

I feel ya, darkblade. I had 9 years of Catholic school and all it was (for me at least) was: "faith in God, faith in your church, faith in OUR church, faith in the envelope you send every Friday, why didn't you send the envelope last Friday?" Repeat infinitely.

Catholic school is what made me agnostic.

Although some churches/organizations, etc. do get it right, where it's about the message and not how it's delivered, but those places are a dime a dozen (or closer: go with the needle-haystack analogy).

We really should move all this to a religion/politics thread. :)
I feel ya, darkblade. I had 9 years of Catholic school and all it was (for me at least) was: "faith in God, faith in your church, faith in OUR church, faith in the envelope you send every Friday, why didn't you send the envelope last Friday?" Repeat infinitely.

Catholic school is what made me agnostic.

Although some churches/organizations, etc. do get it right, where it's about the message and not how it's delivered, but those places are a dime a dozen (or closer: go with the needle-haystack analogy).

We really should move all this to a religion/politics thread. :)

You too huh? I went to St. Norbert's in Northbrook, IL from 1st to 7th grade.
The only other religion we were ever exposed to (via school) was Judaism.
It wasn't until the multitude of altarboy encounters that I stepped away from the Catholic faith. Our church was clean throughout most of it, but eventually they had a case there, long after I had moved on. I will spend the rest of my life happy that I will NEVER support a faith who hides pedophiles, even at its highest ranks.
I'm really not a fan of catholicism at all. I have some upstanding friends who are though, so I won't say it's all bad. But I have no affinity for the Church or what it does with its money and people.
my experience in catholic school showed that they cared only to proove truth in the bible. why though? who cares if i really happened. i care what the message is. it's like trying to proove aesop's fales. the morals are their, why try to find proof?

as i said, i belong to no religion. but i have studied as many as i can find, an i found this: they are all so right an so wrong at the same time. they all preach strong morals and kindness and understanding for your neighbors. unfortunately the translation of preach to practice is a rough one.