The Friday Five

I have no bias, except the hippie bias that everybody should just get along without stepping all over each others' beliefs and grow up. Like JDub said though, not likely any time soon. I don't think violence will bring any progress.
1. If you could do one thing in the world, what would you do?
2. If you could be any character from a book, movie, or television show, who would you be? Why?
3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
4. If you could spend a day with one person of the same sex, who would it be?
5. If you could spend a day with one person of the opposite sex, who would it be?

1. Shape-shift
2. Rupert Giles, from Buffy, for his pure badassery. Also, I want to be British.
3. Um...hate? That sounds good. Let's abolish hate.
4. Joss Whedon
5. Katee Sackhoff I in a geeky mood today.

Also, this statement:
Extremists suck, otherwise believe in what you want (just don't force it on me or tell me about it unless I inquire).

I agree 100%.
1. If you could do one thing in the world, what would you do?
2. If you could be any character from a book, movie, or television show, who would you be? Why?
3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
4. If you could spend a day with one person of the same sex, who would it be?
5. If you could spend a day with one person of the opposite sex, who would it be?

1. I would move to the city my gf lives in.
2. Dan Vasser, from the Journeyman (TV)
3. Make politicians smarter.
4. My brother. We get along very well but don't see each other frequently (a couple of times per year)
5. My girlfriend. I just left her place today morning at 5 AM and traveled 3.5 hours to get here. She even made me breakfast to eat in the train. Damn, I love her.
I love that everybody thinks the problem is islamic radicals. Why not all radicals? We have some right here with trigger fingers that just get overlooked. Seems very hypocritical to me. Way to get on the 'we hate islam bus'...

Well said. I've only read the last couple of posts on this, but has anyone asked the question of why we're hated? If we in the west stopped funding tin-pot dictators and forcing groups against one another so we can get our filthy paws on their resources cheap then there wouldn't be so much of a problem. Religion is a social control tool - one more effective way to make groups demonize other groups. Divide and conquer. Look at the rise of the SBC and the potential for a theocratic government in USA - they got as many red-neck fundamantalists as anywhere else. IMO any kind of fundamentalism is bad - it's backward-looking and anti-intellectual. How the hell can anyone reach truth if they can't question their own beliefs?...
Well, I am witnessing first hand the sickening transformation America is currently going through. It really is only a matter of time before it is law that you will be forced to become a Christian.

Perhaps we should continue this in the off topic thread?:)
Well, I am witnessing first hand the sickening transformation America is currently going through. It really is only a matter of time before it is law that you will be forced to become a Christian.

Perhaps we should continue this in the off topic thread?:)

I wouldn't worry about that quite yet, at least not unless Mike Huckabee becomes president. Then I'd be packing my passport, renting a U-Haul and heading to Canada. :lol:
lol at forcing people to become christian. it is simply impossible. they can force you to go through various rituals and testify various phrases, but religion is a personal, soul thing. nobody can make you think anything you don't want to. that said, america is fucking retarded and i can't wait to move out. :D
It's not a personal thing. I know there are exceptions but, kids learn mostly from what their parents teach them. If you're a Christian/ Muslim etc and you pound dogma, a fear of hell, sin etc into a child's mind they will grow up thinking it's true. If only kids could truly make a decision for themselves. I have two friends that are a perfect case study.

I'm as staunch of an Atheist as they come but, I still completely respect peoples right to believe as they wish. Even if I think it's bullshit. The problem is the Evangelical Christians that are invading government offices want to turn America into a Christian Nation. By whatever means necessary. They view people like me, and others harboring different view points, as scum and a threat to freedom. I know that this couldn't be farther from the truth but, is this an idea that people who are well informed make? Absolutely not, it sounds more like a cult to me. Worse than the kind who drink cyanide laced Kool aid unfortunately, as these assholes are out to take everyone else with them.
lol at forcing people to become christian. it is simply impossible. they can force you to go through various rituals and testify various phrases, but religion is a personal, soul thing. nobody can make you think anything you don't want to.

+1 Forcing someone into 'Christianity' ultimately defeats the purpose of it, which is to have a personal relationship with God, nobody can be forced by someone else into developing love for something or someone, that wouldn't be true, unconditional love?

And I think people should be careful about this 'Evangelical' business, there's evangelical which means yeah they go around telling everybody about it, but its also used to describe Christians who actually try their hardest to live out what they believe in everyday life, ie. not just called Christians because their family is or just in a traditional sense...
Great points PMP. When I say evangelicals, I'm referring to the type who stroke GW Bush like the Falwell's, Haggard's , Robertsons etc etc. They're a very dangerous group. I truly hope they don't reflect the views of most other Christians. Like the Tribulations for example i.e an impending apocalypse is a good thing, do what you please to the Earth Jesus is coming back soon.:ill:
why thankyou... :)

Interestingly enough, Christian views should be based completely on the bible, in which case we'd all have the same views, but unfortunately, because we're human we (we, meaning the general population) make mistakes, or change stuff to suit our own purpose, so that's why you end up with many strange and often blatantly opposite views which in actual fact are the direct opposite of what Christianity is about. We're called to take care of the earth and to be an encouragement and care for others, that defeatist attitude of people who are only worried about themselves, and don't care about the earth is not right at all! Sure we believe Jesus is coming back, but that doesn't mean you stop living and trying to make a difference in the world...
Completely agreed. (I'm a Christian too.) The mass-media view on us is absolutely skewed, and it's mostly the fault of big-name celebrities practicing what they call 'christianity' when in reality, a quick examination of their actions show that they rarely match up with the very tenets they claim to ascribe to. I hate to make blanket statements, but the stereotype of bible-belt, southern lunatics brainwashing their kids and trying to convert America and the world to their side is fairly true. Unfortunately, despite all their money and leverage, they aren't actually spreading Christianity but some other cult of rituals, bizzare rules and intolerance. There is absolutely no reason why any organized religion should be a for-profit organization. There's no reason they should have extravagant, 2000+ seat places of worship with HD, pyrotechnics, and more sound gear than a Bon Jovi tour. That money could save entire provinces of Africa and East Asia.

I don't think it's useful to try and convert people. Spread the word sure, and let them know how it's changed you. Personally, and not in some kind of convoluted cookie-cutter way. Belief is not the same for everyone, and it shouldn't be. We have different talents and desires, and those can fill different positive purposes. I hate that we as a culture undermine individuality so heavy-handedly.
yes, yes, share about your own journey, and then allow others to come to their own decision, we shouldn't be trying to sell a product, or a feel good experience, but just living as the best we can, and letting our actions speak for themselves, Christianity is by no means about just sticking to a bunch of rules, however when you come to a better understanding of it, and realise how much it changes you for the better, you'll naturally want to live by the bible, and also have a much brighter and more positive outlook and perspective on life.
Excellent post Kenneth.:)

I live on the outer edge of the bible belt and it is pretty sad the kind of loons we get around us. Textbook born agains on a mission to "save". I'm happy to see that we agree about that sect because I was really beginning to wonder if there was any normalcy/modesty at all left in Christianity in the West. You would think people would begin to see through it. :)
it's the precise same thing with any religion. there are normal people who are smart and sane, and there are crazies. the crazies make the news and ruin the reputation of the sane ones.