The Future of ProgPower USA

It doesn't get up there, unless you want to splurge and have no friends to share a hotel with....

Exactly. People give up without even really looking at all options for the trip. That mentality is hurting us more than anything. Not counting the ticket, those guys could do a 3-night trip for under $150 each if they wanted. Hell, I'd show them how if it made a difference.
Exactly. People give up without even really looking at all options for the trip. That mentality is hurting us more than anything. Not counting the ticket, those guys could do a 3-night trip for under $150 each if they wanted. Hell, I'd show them how if it made a difference.

Oh, don't worry. I sold it to 'em. Cheap hotel. Shared room. Eat at Subway. Plus, those guys were from SC...a MUCH shorter trip for them than most attendees. I gave it my best. By the end of the evening I had three of 'em saying they were gonna try to come.

But...reality is what we deal with. And the reality is that MANY fans of this music see a show like PPUSA as being out-of-reach cost wise. It's a perception thing, to be sure. But as a wise man once said: "Perception is 100%."
Not counting the ticket, those guys could do a 3-night trip for under $150 each if they wanted.


But some people are spoiled little bitches too... They want their room at the DiamondFuck Suites for $229/night. They need to spend at least $200 in merch just because "They have to, it's ProgPower!" Oh yeah, they need to drink booze throughout the whole night at the venue (soooo cheap right?!?!?!), and eat at a good restaurant EVERY.SINGLE.MEAL.

Then they ask people, "how the hell do you do ProgPower for under $1,000?!?"
For the folks who are within a reasonable driving distance you can certainly do PP at a cheaper cost than you think. Especially if you spilt the gas and hotel costs. I know it's incredibly hard to try and sell the festival for people here on the West Coast. You're looking at a minimum $300 plane ticket just to even get to Atlanta. That right there turns 99% of potential new attendees away. I think it would be a great idea to do more promotion/sales in the Southeast where people can drive. I'm sure this has already been considered though.
Unfortunately, in my 10 times going to the fest, I was only able to roomie up three times, two of which were the first two where I was rooming with Glenn Fitzgerald. Granted, two other times, I was rooming with my wife (who doesn't go to the fest, but enjoys the sights of Atlanta).

Part of the problem I had for most of it was that I only was going for Fri/Sat and it was hard to find a match for that. I remember the year when the Hampton Inn disappeared and I was struggling finding a room. I ended up having to take a room at the Knights Inn. *shudder*

BTW, I'm perfectly willing to share my room at the Residence Inn if someone needs to cut costs. The only request I have is that you not be a smoker.

But, really I think a main impediment for a lot of people isn't just being able to afford it, but being able to get the time off. I've been fortunate that I've always had jobs where taking off time is never a problem. Not everyone has such a job. When you combine that the cheapest way to get to the fest is to drive, that takes even more time, including maybe an extra night of hotel somewhere.
driving, rooms and time off wouldn't be as big of a deal if single day tickets were an option.
I was still in high school when I first attended Prog Power. I was extremely broke back then, but I made it happen. I literally paid for all my expenses with just over 100 bucks for the entire weekend, excluding tickets.

We were 5 dudes in a small car driving all the way from Miami. Yeah, the 5 of us shared the same room! hahah 2 beds and 1 sleeping bag...

Of course those were extreme conditions. We were all 17-18 years old and we did not give a damn about having to share a bed with another dude or having to eat bad food all weekend... But that's what we could afford, and it was extremely fun.
If we did the same thing this year it would be more expensive... Gas is more expensive, the Super 8 probably doesn't charge 50 bucks anymore... But you can still do it cheaply if you give it a try.
I was still in high school when I first attended Prog Power. I was extremely broke back then, but I made it happen. I literally paid for all my expenses with just over 100 bucks for the entire weekend, excluding tickets.

We were 5 dudes in a small car driving all the way from Miami. Yeah, the 5 of us shared the same room! hahah 2 beds and 1 sleeping bag...

Of course those were extreme conditions. We were all 17-18 years old and we did not give a damn about having to share a bed with another dude or having to eat bad food all weekend... But that's what we could afford, and it was extremely fun.
If we did the same thing this year it would be more expensive... Gas is more expensive, the Super 8 probably doesn't charge 50 bucks anymore... But you can still do it cheaply if you give it a try.

Now THAT was a fun year, huh!?!?!? :lol:

Super 8 was $69 last year. We were 4 people, paying for 3 nights... Came to about $55/person for the entire weekend. Breakfast included. ;)
Can we get the bands to try to push a little harder as well? For example if Symphony X is indeed doing a special set, have them put it on their website, and consistently reference it on their facebook and twitter pages. "You'll only be able to see this show in Atlanta" etc. If any of the bands can offer anything - have them do that. "Buy your ticket between now and X date and you'll be entered for a chance to win Y" Something rare that's signed, a special meeting, anything they could spare.

Even bands that aren't playing this year could perhaps do something if willing. "Buy your ticket between now and X date" and you could get Y." A backstage pass to the show of their choice, a phone call one from of the member's of the band, a special item, etc.

Also, could ProgPower offer an extra spot in front of the barrier? You could do it in stages? "Buy your ticket between now and X date and you could watch Symphony X from the front row." Then do one for Epica, etc etc.
Thanks for the input Black Swan. I already have a program in place with my sponsors for barrier access. Some of the current bands on the roster are doing a great job at giving us promo (Epica & Amaranthe within the last 48hrs). I will indeed continue to ask the bands to help get the word as appropriate.

I did tons of contests last year (i.e. Backstage trip to meet Ihsahn) and they really do not push many folks to buy tickets.

Getting the word out on how cheap someone can attend the festival...that's the key. The quality of the show sells itself after a decade.
This may sound stupid but what about partnering with some type of travel agency/partner, travel website. Maybe someone on the forum knows people in the travel booking industry and can facilitate partnering with PP for some type of travel package that includes Airfare/Bus/Train plus hotel plus passes to the show at some type of discounted rate. This way people who are concerned about the overall cost can see one grand total for everything. Then they can plan accordingly and possibly include friends to help split the hotel costs, etc.

But some people are spoiled little bitches too... They want their room at the DiamondFuck Suites for $229/night. They need to spend at least $200 in merch just because "They have to, it's ProgPower!" Oh yeah, they need to drink booze throughout the whole night at the venue (soooo cheap right?!?!?!), and eat at a good restaurant EVERY.SINGLE.MEAL.

Then they ask people, "how the hell do you do ProgPower for under $1,000?!?"

You are right. That is one of the biggest things people need to realize. You don't have to stay at a hotel within a mile of the festival. They naturally jack up the prices of their rooms for that week because they know they will sell them.

I always just find a hotel a short drive off for a decent price and just drive in each day to the venue. And even though it is cheaper to park a block or two away, I go ahead and pay the $15 to park under the venue so that I have easy access to a cooler in my vehicle to keep beer/gatorade/food for anytime I have some time during the evening to go get some.

Even though I am on my own coming to Atlanta, it generally only runs me just over $500 for the few days I am there. About $200 for the hotel (generally for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. nights) and the rest for merchandise/food/gas. It would be way cheaper if someone came with 1 or 2 other people to split those costs.

Honestly, the only costs that distinguish ProgPower from any other vacation for me is whatever money I decide to spend in the vendors' room. So if they can go on other vacations, they can go to ProgPower USA. I count this as my main vacation for the year when I do my yearly planning as I know I will have a great time.
You are right. That is one of the biggest things people need to realize. You don't have to stay at a hotel within a mile of the festival. They naturally jack up the prices of their rooms for that week because they know they will sell them.

I always just find a hotel a short drive off for a decent price and just drive in each day to the venue. And even though it is cheaper to park a block or two away, I go ahead and pay the $15 to park under the venue so that I have easy access to a cooler in my vehicle to keep beer/gatorade/food for anytime I have some time during the evening to go get some.

Even though I am on my own coming to Atlanta, it generally only runs me just over $500 for the few days I am there. About $200 for the hotel (generally for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. nights) and the rest for merchandise/food/gas. It would be way cheaper if someone came with 1 or 2 other people to split those costs.

Honestly, the only costs that distinguish ProgPower from any other vacation for me is whatever money I decide to spend in the vendors' room. So if they can go on other vacations, they can go to ProgPower USA. I count this as my main vacation for the year when I do my yearly planning as I know I will have a great time.

This. I stay at the Wingate by Wyndham in Alpharetta. It's 20 minutes from the venue, in a decent neighborhood, and runs about $50 a night. Parking at the venue (which I think is down to $10 now) lets me make sandwich/water/soda runs throughout the day. If you're within driving distance and have at least one person to help split the costs, you can totally do this event for $200 or so (plus the tickets, obviously).
Just happened to have made friends with a fellow commuter on the train back home from work... got into talking music, especially progressive metal. Found out he's a huge Symphony X fan (but has never seen them) and has heard of the festival.

Took me just a few minutes to tell him about what ProgPower is all about, the fest, the music, the people, the experience...

"I'll look this up tonight. I could use a weekend in Atlanta in September..."
Just happened to have made friends with a fellow commuter on the train back home from work... got into talking music, especially progressive metal. Found out he's a huge Symphony X fan (but has never seen them) and has heard of the festival.

Took me just a few minutes to tell him about what ProgPower is all about, the fest, the music, the people, the experience...

"I'll look this up tonight. I could use a weekend in Atlanta in September..."

Nice work Milton :rock:

Did you reiterate how much Freedom Call blows too? :lol: :lol: