The Future

resisting the temptation of replying with something shallow or only humorous in my head, i'll go with bleakness: the future doesn't have much in store for us.

a time of quiescence in terms of both technological and philosophical advancement seems to have descended upon humanity of late, and i'm just not convinced that us or the next generation will see any earth-shattering breakthrough in either. there's also the chance that, in a few generations, the growth in terms of skills and potential of this particular race will halt, if not start declining altogether, which would mean that no other breakthrough will follow ever, due to lack of means and energy. sign me up for the "not with a bang but a whimper" crusade.
So this is the way the world ends? ;) I think we have already been in serious trouble ecologically for some time now, but very few authorities seem to realise that. Politically, we are crawling to WWIII, when I look at the president of Iran, I only see a lunatic staring into some dark well. The situation there is really serious and who knows how things will turn out. I believe in pragmatic solutions and I hope that there is enough of pragmatism left to outweigh the stupid hot-headed idealism of all those naive revolution freaks who would sacrifice their miserable existence to destroy the whole world as we know it.
I think I'm going to take a dump in the future... in like 10-15 minutes... yeah, that's most certain :)
Nothing extra.
In 40 years we will maybe have a war for sources.
China will join to russia and USA will fall down. Europe will be splited into pieces.
Or (in better case) we will find alternative source of energy.
I'm going to go positive, which would be quite a change for this thread.

I think that the human race stands at a crossroads and could either break out incredibly or destroy itself horribly.

There are a few things that strike me

1) humanity is at a point where all its knowledge and information are capable of being stored easily and capable of being accessed from nearly anywhere in the world. There will be no more age of technological stagnation. There is simply too much information and too many people for new ideas to stop coming out. Also, the world's exploding population leads to more job specialization, more capable people........

2) humanity is on the cusp of exploring space more deeply. If another planet could be colonized within 250 years, perhaps more, the race's chance for survival grows dramatically.

The intense pressure of the growing population will lead to either a great degree of conflict, an eventual push into space, or a serious stance on birth control from every government. Maybe more than one

Who knows?
Yeah, I agree, the problem is that people in the middle and far east live in the middle ages, even according to their era. They are now in the crusades period. Who knows, maybe bird flu will solve all these problems.