The Future

these things scare the shit out of me.

and I have little doubt we'll be using them again at some point.

I think we all maintain a dangerously high degree of self importantance in our day to day consciousness. Really we are just ants with egos. But if it ever comes to using WMDs, individualism is going to become pretty abstract... And that's just depressing as fuck, thinking our "leaders" could actually take that away from us. We're just another shadow stain.

I'd rather go down at natures hands than have our own race destroy us all... of course, nature is gonna fuck us up because of us (global warming), but the effect is less immediate
the future? - I don't believe in the future actually... I'm the one to take the decisions concerning myself so I may change the course of my destiny every moment that's why there is nothing that may predict what would happen to me in a year or ten.
I believ in the future. however, I consider that it's only existing in our minds. The present is the only material time lapse. Therefore, I live every day to the fullest and for tomorrow, we'll see then.
UndoControl said:
Nah. Weapons of mass destruction aren't controllable, and the after-effects are too powerful. A hand grenade or a sniper are much better ways to kill whatever's standing on your way. :)

- Undo (a young revolutionary)

I hope you have your trusty Che Guevara t-shirt! Or a one with the cuban flag, or the red star, or all of them. And your sentence only proves what I said - but now those idiots have something more than a hand grenade and dont give a shit about its controllability and after-effects. Their waiting for the Mahdi, the thirteenth imam or whatever the fuck.
- indeterminate amount of smallish wars which mostly pertain to the concept of religious conflict: highly likely
- progressive reduction of the influence of fundamentalists in islamic society: likely, but it will get worse before it gets better
- one big war to end all wars (at least for a while) of this type: unlikely, unless iran or north korea or india/pakistan decide that it's time to be hydrogen-happy
- china outperforming the US economically: quite likely
- european demographic growth: slightly likely, but not immediate
- stocks losing value to bonds: very likely, in 2 years or so if current global conditions are maintained
- gay unions recognized by more and more western states: likely
- vote for women accepted in most arab states: likely
- good cure for cancer: likely and close; good cure for AIDS: likely but further down along the line
- economic growth in africa: unlikely, at least in the next 10 or so years
- me getting married: totally unlikely
Wolfman Von Jones said:
What do you think the future has in store for us? I mean the race as a whole not any particular nation.

Well, it will be a fall, fortunately it will not kill us since we haven't really
gone all that far in the first place. Maybe we break some limbs if we're lucky.
marduk1507 said:
I hope you have your trusty Che Guevara t-shirt! Or a one with the cuban flag, or the red star, or all of them. And your sentence only proves what I said - but now those idiots have something more than a hand grenade and dont give a shit about its controllability and after-effects. Their waiting for the Mahdi, the thirteenth imam or whatever the fuck.
I have a red one with a yellow star and sickle+hammer. And wristbands with red stars. :)