The Gauntlet Interviews Mikael

She's kind of funny in a way. He looks really awkward whenever she laughs and starts... twitching. She might have been annoying but I guess she's just starstruck. I know I would be if I met Mike, he's definitely an inspiring person. He handled her very well, I think.
Near the end when he said stuff about how he keeps straying from what the goal he sets and uses the evil/sweet example, I was suddenly reminded of the opening "chiming" guitar of Isolation Years.
What I like most about Mike is quite simply his honesty. You never hear him say stuff that people can find misleading. Take Lars Ulrich, for example. As much as I love Metallica, his words can so easily be taken out of context or sometimes be completely misleading, directing people to expect something that's not gonna happen. When Mike says something's going to be different, heavy, dark, mellow etc, it's exactly what it's going to be.
^Hahah. It was her laugh mostly and the constant arm-flailing. I don't know if she was coked up up but nervous definitely. Question-wise..meh but Mike's charisma is always a pleasure to watch. Loved his '"heavy drinking"-look at her go' face' lol.

"Hey man, we got a new video out, it's fuckin' bad-ass"

"It's not like selling a few records to horny kids"

Urgh, that interviewer is such a retard. She clearly knows very little about the band, otherwise she wouldn't be asking such commonly asked and generic questions. I feel sorry for Mike having to deal with people like that.
Plus, I think some people are exaggerating to say the least. I mean, "retard" is a bit too much, innit? After all, she's a journalist, songwriter, and something else i forgot what...
4:00 into the video

anoying bitch:
"i think thats really intreseting to a lot of listeners how you write music, your songs are so long and struktured so diffrently more like a classical piece almost"

"mhhh ..maybe"
Haha, man... that was brutal... poor girl. She had to have been just starstruck. I dunno if I could keep my cool if I tried interviewing Mikael.

But she is pretty annoying at that.
To all the Haters:
I’d like to see any of you go out and do the following list of things:
1. Go get a B.A Degree in journalism, a Screen Actors Guild card, a video camera, and a husband (or wife as the case may be) that operates the camera for you and loves metal as much as you do.
2. Then get hired writing album reviews for an on-line metal magazine that gets lots of hits per week and has connections with Roadrunner Records, Century Media, Nuclear Blast, and Metal Blade (just to name a few).
3. After writing reviews for that site for over a year, for free, politely ask for an interview with the band Mushroomhead because you’ve met them before. Get the interview with Mushroomhead, and have it go so well the band is almost late going on stage that night. Then get personally requested for more interviews by bands like Kittie, Dimmu Borgir, Hellyeah and Opeth, based off of the success of that one interview. Then have record companies and fan sites praising your interviews as well as bored people on unknown websites bothering to spend the time talking shit about your interviews.
5. Love metal enough to be willing to do all of those interviews for no pay except for the two free tickets you get to the concert and the experience of meeting the band.
6. Then go ahead and send me links to your interviews that are so much better than mine.
shut up you dumb slut. what you did was horrible, stop using drugs and go get an education you worthless piece of shitwhore
To all the Haters:
I’d like to see any of you go out and do the following list of things:
1. Go get a B.A Degree in journalism, a Screen Actors Guild card, a video camera, and a husband (or wife as the case may be) that operates the camera for you and loves metal as much as you do.
2. Then get hired writing album reviews for an on-line metal magazine that gets lots of hits per week and has connections with Roadrunner Records, Century Media, Nuclear Blast, and Metal Blade (just to name a few).
3. After writing reviews for that site for over a year, for free, politely ask for an interview with the band Mushroomhead because you’ve met them before. Get the interview with Mushroomhead, and have it go so well the band is almost late going on stage that night. Then get personally requested for more interviews by bands like Kittie, Dimmu Borgir, Hellyeah and Opeth, based off of the success of that one interview. Then have record companies and fan sites praising your interviews as well as bored people on unknown websites bothering to spend the time talking shit about your interviews.
5. Love metal enough to be willing to do all of those interviews for no pay except for the two free tickets you get to the concert and the experience of meeting the band.
6. Then go ahead and send me links to your interviews that are so much better than mine.

With Morgen Ågren, for Velvet Times in Spain, 2005
To all the Haters:
I’d like to see any of you go out and do the following list of things:
1. Go get a B.A Degree in journalism, a Screen Actors Guild card, a video camera, and a husband (or wife as the case may be) that operates the camera for you and loves metal as much as you do.
2. Then get hired writing album reviews for an on-line metal magazine that gets lots of hits per week and has connections with Roadrunner Records, Century Media, Nuclear Blast, and Metal Blade (just to name a few).
3. After writing reviews for that site for over a year, for free, politely ask for an interview with the band Mushroomhead because you’ve met them before. Get the interview with Mushroomhead, and have it go so well the band is almost late going on stage that night. Then get personally requested for more interviews by bands like Kittie, Dimmu Borgir, Hellyeah and Opeth, based off of the success of that one interview. Then have record companies and fan sites praising your interviews as well as bored people on unknown websites bothering to spend the time talking shit about your interviews.
5. Love metal enough to be willing to do all of those interviews for no pay except for the two free tickets you get to the concert and the experience of meeting the band.
6. Then go ahead and send me links to your interviews that are so much better than mine.

If this really is you then I just got to say that you'd have been a lot better off ignoring this thread, because now you come off as far bigger idiot than you do in that interview. Surely, looking at your oh-so wonderful job history you'd of had enough professionalism to just ignore our criticism, but obviously you don't. All you've done now is made your self look rather cretinous and reasserted our assumption you take cocaine.