The 'geek/nerd/anime/comics/etc.' thread

V you didn't grasp the game long enough to embrace it's qualities. I have played several rpg's and this game is quality. It has already won several awards, and it's already known BIOWARE makes great games. I say give the game more time, it goes deep. The Oblivion with guns is called Fallout 3, and is made by the same company that made Oblivion so the same engine was used.
I like Dragon Age because the you can make the dialog funny, not because the story is deep. The story line is just generic fantasy RPG.
The game is deep, it takes you to several locations that's what won me over. I like the looting, strategy based combat, and dungeon searching. The music is good too, dialogue gets on my nerves sometimes so i skip. The demonlords and dragons look cool, and the gore. I managed to chop some heads off, looks awesome and very bloody. The bottom line is it's fun, many people give up on this game because they get frustrated. I almost did, but I gave it time and now im really enjoying this game.
V you didn't grasp the game long enough to embrace it's qualities. I have played several rpg's and this game is quality. It has already won several awards, and it's already known BIOWARE makes great games. I say give the game more time, it goes deep. The Oblivion with guns is called Fallout 3, and is made by the same company that made Oblivion so the same engine was used.

Awards and so forth don't mean jack shit when it comes to the gaming industry IMO.:) Oblivion with Guns won a shitload of these awards including an award for 'best writing' for example.:D Which is just absurd come on.:) Bioware... Bioware:S Granted, they made some great RPGs, but those days are over as far as I'm concerned. I hated Mass Effect. It was a huge disappointment. I spent some 5 - 10 hours playing it and I have no idea how I managed to stick with it for that long.:/ I like my RPGs to have meaningful choices and consequences, I don't want them to be completely 'black and white' either.:S But alright, I'll give Dragon Age another shot once I'm done with Dead Space (and Resident Evil 4), I probably did give up too soon.
I really enjoyed Fallout 3, and all the DLC expansion packs. So much that, as a matter of fact, I actually bought the GOTY edition that came out last October, and played it all over again (this time with a Good character, as opposed to my first playthrough which was constantly Very Evil :D )

But I've never played either Oblivion, or the old Fallout games, so I don't understand what all the fuzz is about.
My experience (and opinion) is based purely on the game itself and I had many days of great fun playing it.
Oblivion with Guns is an insult to the Fallout franchise. Fallout 1 is probably my favorite game of all time (best RPG ever, screw Baldur's Gate:*) and when I first heard that there was going to be another sequel, I was excited as hell. But as the previews started coming in, I became more and more fearful of what was coming.:S Still I tried keeping an open mind... mistake. I cannot believe anyone (regardless of being a Fallout fan or not) would enjoy Oblivion with Guns, especially to the point of calling it 'game of the fucking year'.:S It's just a moronic shooter with some half-assed RPG elements, utterly horrible writing (both plot and dialogue), terrible voice-acting, meaningless C&C,... and more.:S It's not Fallout.:/ Fucking Bethesda... I'll never be able to let this slide.:D
With you on the point that Fallout 1 is a great game, highly addictive and enjoyable. Liked 2 as well, though I never owned it for some reason, so didn't get to delve too deep into it. Still haven't tried three, so no opinion as of yet...

At the moment I'm watching Azumanga Daioh, and I must say this completely wipes all competition of the table, out the door, and of the f*cking planet!
This series is just so f*cking amazing, I have never seen anything like it! Must buy the book(s) asap.

Btw, is there anyone else out there who liked Sony's Legend Of The Dragoon for playstation? Although not very original, I still loved the game, and can't understand why there have never been a sequel...
been walking in the woods a while ago as usual, when we stumbled upon a group of LARPing kids, so the guys couldn't resist and join the battle!!
(i was taking pictures obviously :p)





The guy at the back with shield and sword is my bf, the guy to his left is his friend. They were probably the oldest guys there :lol: but it surely was fun!

aye! :lol: i was laughing my ass off!
i even filmed them:

Thought about buying Biocock 2... I won't.:S

Okay. Let’s keep this just the facts, as everyone knows what they mean. The tech specs for Bioshock 2 are out. They’re reasonable enough. There’s also some fun DRM. Online verification via SecuRom, with an install limit (15 machines, admittedly). To save the game or play online, you need to be logged into Games for Window Live. This still applies on Steam – so SecuRom and Games For Windows Live are needed in addition to the Steam client. Hmm.

Because of this mainly. Insanity. The game got leaked a day early still, cracked and completely playable. I hate this kind of fascist DRM. Seriously, who the hell are they doing this for? It does fuck all to prevent the game from being pirated. If anything, it only ends up pissing off the people who actually buy the damn thing. MORONS! OK, maybe the idea is to stall the pirates as long as possible so that compulsive buyers end up buying it because they can't find it on the torrents. But again, the game leaked a day early. Nice job, 2K.
Yeah that's why I downloaded it :) (So I'm a pirate, sue me...)

Got terrbible mouselag though, need to find a way to fix that.
Yeah that's why I downloaded it :) (So I'm a pirate, sue me...)

So did I, I will never again buy a game that forces me to log into that 'games for windows live' bullshit. I haven't played it much though, maybe 15,20 minutes just to check if everything worked, it did.
Ghah, Heroes.:S I'm currently on episode 17 and ATM it's HORRIBLE.:S I have to force myself to keep watching, I want to finish the season.:/ I loved the first season of Heroes but it really started to go downhill slowly during the second and third season with season 4 still being way worse, I stopped watching regularly after a couple of episodes. Really can't believe they picked it up for another season.:O

I started playing System Shock 2 again, it's been too long. Working perfectly too, I'm having a great time.:)

Just found this:

Lord Of The Rings prequel made by a fanatic using her £25,000 life savings scores 500,000 views on the internet


Haven't watched it yet but I will over the weekend. Hopefully it's a solid watch. Regardless, the whole thing's pretty amazing. Gotta give her props for pulling it off.:)
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Any wrestling fans on here? I'm loving Bret Hart being back, I feel like I'm eight years old again. Oh, I long for the Saturday and Sunday mornings of wrestling and cartoons...

Nothing like a little Mania or Action Zone and then a whole lot of X-Men and Batman.......And Duckman, for the win!
Done with Kurozuka. If you like swords, vampires/monsters and blood, you can watch it and have a good time.

Watching Shingetsutan Tsukihime and Darker than Black, 2nd season.
Ghah, Heroes.:S I'm currently on episode 17 and ATM it's HORRIBLE.:S I have to force myself to keep watching, I want to finish the season.:/ I loved the first season of Heroes but it really started to go downhill slowly during the second and third season with season 4 still being way worse, I stopped watching regularly after a couple of episodes. Really can't believe they picked it up for another season.:O

I felt the same with Lost.