The Gift of .gif's

I saw the beheading one too, at about the same age. I remember shaking, and i had to sit in the other room for a min. Now, i can watch crazy shit, and it doesn't bother me. That still does.

Sick site :erk:


Saw this when I was 12-13, no horror movie/anything gore has EVER effected me after watching this at such a young age. They should show this to cops in training videos.

i saw those beheading videos when i was 12 or 13 too. Now when i watch those kind of things, it doesnt even phase me. The only one recently that real had me going was the home video of the two russians beating the dude with the hammer and stabbing him with screwdrivers. And i just happen to find this stuff too, the world is a fucked up place