The Gift of .gif's

i saw those beheading videos when i was 12 or 13 too. Now when i watch those kind of things, it doesnt even phase me. The only one recently that real had me going was the home video of the two russians beating the dude with the hammer and stabbing him with screwdrivers. And i just happen to find this stuff too, the world is a fucked up place

You can't just find that video though, you must have taken a look for it, I really don't think that any of this shit should be on the internet though, its just disgusting.
I used to be into those faces of death movies when I was like 14 or 15, but I can't stand that stuff now.

It's not really a gross out factor, as I love fake gore in movies, but if its real, I get an emotionally sickening feeling from it. Its just unfathomably distressing to know that someone's gruesome death was immortalized for kids to replay over and over on their safe little bedroom after school. I feel that death should be a very private thing. If I knew I was about to die, a dude with a camera would be the last thing I'd want around me. Seriously. It would almost be worse than the method of death itself. Will not watch gore gifs.
I used to be into those faces of death movies when I was like 14 or 15, but I can't stand that stuff now.

It's not really a gross out factor, as I love fake gore in movies, but if its real, I get an emotionally sickening feeling from it. Its just unfathomably distressing to know that someone's gruesome death was immortalized for kids to replay over and over on their safe little bedroom after school. I feel that death should be a very private thing. If I knew I was about to die, a dude with a camera would be the last thing I'd want around me. Seriously. It would almost be worse than the method of death itself. Will not watch gore gifs.

But we will all watch porn gifs :lol::lol:

This one fucking killed me!!! lol so funny
I used to be into those faces of death movies when I was like 14 or 15, but I can't stand that stuff now.

It's not really a gross out factor, as I love fake gore in movies, but if its real, I get an emotionally sickening feeling from it. Its just unfathomably distressing to know that someone's gruesome death was immortalized for kids to replay over and over on their safe little bedroom after school. I feel that death should be a very private thing. If I knew I was about to die, a dude with a camera would be the last thing I'd want around me. Seriously. It would almost be worse than the method of death itself. Will not watch gore gifs.

Yea that is going to stick with me for a while, the sickest brutal thing I've seen.I dont know what that guy did to deserve that. But to be able to perform such an act on another human makes me see what animals we can all become
That dog flashbacks , bert in Fiddy's car , and the flying cat slayed me , fucking brilliant. I also love how long it takes that kid to realize the other kid is going to hit him , and how quick the dude just rips his shirt off like he waiting all day for someone to fuck with him haha