The GMD Classifieds Thread

Alright damnit, I want some more cd's so buy my old junk :lol:

Cardinal Sin - Ressurection -- Good Thrash!
Heir Apparent - Graceful Inheritance -- Some US Power metal
Helheim - Journeys and Experiences of Death -- Viking/black
Macabre Omen - The ANcient Returns - Greek BM
Zemial - In Monumentum - Greek BM
Titan Force - Winner / Looser - US Prog, Harry the Tyrant sings for them!
Incantation - Now Diabolical - OSDM legends
Ordeorir - Gotterleider - Viking metal
Miscreant - Occult Philosphy - Death Metal
Steel Assassin - War of the Eight Saints - Power Metal(heavy/true)
Berserker - Blood of the Warriors -- Power Metal(heavy/true)
Empyrean Sky - The Snow White Rose of Paradise -- Progressive Death Metal
Death Angel - Act III -- Not as thrashy as Ultra Violence but good
Flotsam and Jetsam - Unnatural Selection -- not bad Flotsam cd
Dark Tranquility - The Gallery -- Melodeath
Athiest - Elements -- Jazzy DM

I'm going to put it on ebay in a few days so get it here first, going price for each is 6$(incl. shipping) and if you want to buy multiples PM and we can talk about it
Does anyone have the album "The Bitter Saint's Abortion" by the band Squid. Sort of an industrial-ish hard rock band from the UK. If anyone has this, I would glady pay a ridiculous price for it.
Thank you! :)

I guess because I searched on I didn't find anything earlier, and most other places were either out of copies, or I was skeptical in purchasing from them (because of the lack of info etc, but amazon I trust.)
rms, hold the Heir Apparent and Titan Force through the weekend please? I'll buy them depending on how much money I blow at the Declaration of Doom fest.
Thank you! :)

I guess because I searched on I didn't find anything earlier, and most other places were either out of copies, or I was skeptical in purchasing from them (because of the lack of info etc, but amazon I trust.)

Nae worries.

If you're looking for a UK band the best place to go it
It's usually got, if not instock themselves, a seller that's selling it.
Alright damnit, I want some more cd's so buy my old junk :lol:

Cardinal Sin - Ressurection -- Good Thrash!
Heir Apparent - Graceful Inheritance -- Some US Power metal
Helheim - Journeys and Experiences of Death -- Viking/black
Macabre Omen - The ANcient Returns - Greek BM
Zemial - In Monumentum - Greek BM
Titan Force - Winner / Looser - US Prog, Harry the Tyrant sings for them!
Incantation - Now Diabolical - OSDM legends
Ordeorir - Gotterleider - Viking metal
Miscreant - Occult Philosphy - Death Metal
Steel Assassin - War of the Eight Saints - Power Metal(heavy/true)
Berserker - Blood of the Warriors -- Power Metal(heavy/true)
Empyrean Sky - The Snow White Rose of Paradise -- Progressive Death Metal
Death Angel - Act III -- Not as thrashy as Ultra Violence but good
Flotsam and Jetsam - Unnatural Selection -- not bad Flotsam cd
Dark Tranquility - The Gallery -- Melodeath
Athiest - Elements -- Jazzy DM

I'm going to put it on ebay in a few days so get it here first, going price for each is 6$(incl. shipping) and if you want to buy multiples PM and we can talk about it

PM sent.
the bidding ends tomorrow, the Helheim, Cardinal Sin and Steel Assassin has no love so you probaly would get it 1 bid easily. Cant even find it on the search engine, love eBay. cheers :D
$6 shipping?! That's seems high. Not outrageous like some sellers, but high. I bet you would get more bids with lower shipping. I understand that higher shipping circumvents some fees. But I can just about guarantee that the average bidder will spend more total if the shipping is a smaller part. People would rather bid $8 and have $2 shipping than bid $2 with $6 shipping.

I really only expected each of my cds to only get 1 bid, thus about 7$ a cd. And since 99cents and having a 6$ shipping takes less eBay fees, I dont think anyone should object, and it favors the seller.
Having such high shipping costs seriously hinders people's motivation to buy. Even like $3.50 for a single CD within the US is pushing it, broheim.
uhm it was either the 3$ shipping cost, which is probaly no profit(since the envelope is 99cents and it cost 4bucks to send to Rump in Aussie so id guess around 2$ for US) and then like a 4$ starting price? no thanks mate, id rather have it not cost an assload. the only cds that dont have watchers are the ones I cant find on the search because its bugged or some gay dont worry, I havent had one complaint and my sarcofago cd is doing pretty well
I guarantee that you lost several potential bidders due to your shipping prices, that's all I'm saying homes.
I guarantee that you lost several potential bidders due to your shipping prices, that's all I'm saying homes.

It's true, and it's not about smarts. It's a psychological thing, and whether or not it makes sense, it's just true. Especially when it comes to somewhat common CDs. When you get into non-fake versions of somewhat rare CDs, people are less picky about shipping, but I think it still affects them to some degree. People would rather pay $8 with 2 shipping, than $7 with $6 shipping.

Not tryin' to be an ass. Do what works for you. Just my observations and it even speaks somewhat to how I think.

About your search problems, I had that before, and the problem was that I had "illegal" words in my description. It was probably a song title or something. I changed it to f*ck or sh*t or whatever, and it showed up.

EDIT: yeah, it looks like that is the issue. I couldn't even see them under the "see all items from this seller" or whatever. But they do show up when you change it to the "text only format" link (upper right).

EDIT2: About watcher numbers, they can be deceptive. As a seller of CDs I commonly watch when other sellers are selling the same CDs I have to sell, to get an idea of how the current market is. I also probably watch about 10x-20x more CDs than I actually buy. Plus, I am a watcher on that Cardinal Sin.
I see what you're saying, but im pretty happy with my results so im gonna be to stubborn to change :lol:

2 hrs left! Im really surprised sarcofago and nocturnal are the high points, woulda figured heir/titan force >_>