The God Tier


Feb 21, 2008
Waterford, MI
This thread is about artists/albums that drive you insane with their brilliance, whether it be in the form of beauty, brutality or complexity. Only the best of the best shall be discussed here. Post a sample and tell us why you believe it belongs in the metal pantheon.

I'll get the ball rolling with what I believe is not only a miracle of metal, but of music in general; Souls at Zero by Neurosis. This is a band which has the ability to completely assimilate my entire being, physical and beyond, and rape it. It is brooding, crushing and incredibly fascinating. With thick hardcore/doom guitar ambience stacked on top of a smoldering rubble of apocalyptic war drums highlighted by the prophetic wails of the incomparable Scott Kelly, Souls at Zero has a certain beautiful and frightening esotericism that keeps you white knuckled and aching for more throughout its entire one hour running time. 10/10

Also, as a tremendous Wicker Man fanatic, the cover art never ceases to warm the cockles of my heart.

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