The Great Cold Distance Review

This is an official review, which is fine. That's the reason the promos were sent out in the first place.

What's NOT OK is for fans who have downloaded the album to discuss the album or the songs, as they shouldn't even have it.

So, official reviews by publications who were sent the promo - totally cool.

Anyone else - not.
ok, but I`m still not going to read this review (don`t take this personal ;) ) cause I don`t want to have other peoples words/ impressions/ opinions in my mind when I first get to hear the album.
Very nice of you ;) I hope all other "official reviewers" are as clever as you so that I don`t get to read anything by accident :yell:
I don't buy anything before I've downloaded it first, so if Katatonia is against downloading.... i dunno.... I might have to say just screw the whole thing. Downloading is how I discovered Katatonia and why Viva Emptiness and Tonight's Decision are currently sitting on my cd-rack. But whatever floats your boat.
Oinkness said:
I don't buy anything before I've downloaded it first, so if Katatonia is against downloading.... i dunno.... I might have to say just screw the whole thing. Downloading is how I discovered Katatonia and why Viva Emptiness and Tonight's Decision are currently sitting on my cd-rack. But whatever floats your boat.

If everyone who downloaded the albums ended up buying them the bands would not be upset. If you have to download the album no one can stop you, just make sure you buy it when it comes out.

That said, I would never want to downlaod it first. I know Katatonia will not disappoint me. There is nothing like the release date of one of your favorite band's new album, when you get the brand new copy in your hands and get to hear it all for the first time, the way the artist intended it. None of these crappy mp3 files for me, if it's a band I love.
Hopkins - Witchfinder General, what a killer song! Thank god I have it on my iPod, I must listen to it now. Great review by the way. I remember when I was a journalist and I got free promos. Ah, those were the days...


N.P. Thought Industry - The Squid
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
yes and i mailed him and said "is it ok to post this," he sent it to Blakkheim who said yes so I posted it.


edit: oh and i could be wrong here but i think the ban is in place to stop the mp3 pirate brigade from spoiling it for everyone, i'm actually sitting here with a real promo so i figure that doesn't include me. :cool:

As far as I know "the mp3 brigade" who claim they've got the album actually have the promo downloaded.The full album is nowhere to be found me I've looked.

I promised I wouldn't download it and I'm keeping it,mostly becuase I don't want the songs to be remembered with an anouncer.I've ruined "my twin" for myself and that's enough.
According to my friend who actually has the promo CD,the new album is Katatonia's greatest album so far. I don't want to wait untill march:cry:
paradoxile said:
As far as I know "the mp3 brigade" who claim they've got the album actually have the promo downloaded.The full album is nowhere to be found me I've looked.

Not that it matters but this is not true. The full album, with voiceovers has been leaked.
I never download albums before purchasing, especially a band like Katatonia. I love getting the package, putting the disk into the tray as my pants tighten, and perusing the booklet as the opening notes eminate from the speakers.

It's one of the reasons for living.
There are certain bands I will never download, chief among which are Katatonia & Opeth. As said above, the package is what it's about and I hate cheating great musicians out of money. Simple as that
Oinkness said:
I downloaded some of it and listened to the first few songs, and I actually thought it was very dumbed down from even Viva Emptiness, and I actually switched it to Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine instead of finishing the third song... x-x

That's why I download stuff first....

I'll give it some time though and I'll probably end up buying it anyway. :p

Nice vocal auto-tuning I heard. :p

What a pile of shite, the fact that Cradle of Filth was what you returned to for an "escape" of "dumbed down" material isn't exactly an example of more complex listening, however, if all it takes is 2 songs from a whole album for you to make a decision then there are 2 issues, firstly your overview of an artistic creation is somewhat limited to chart music, and very shallow indeed..

however we are all entitled to our own opinion, whether i like it or agree or not is my own.

oh and the vocal tuning is fairly standard the days within top quality production on artists who do actually bother to sing, it has been applied tastefully and artistically, not that youd understand that word