The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

When a close female friend once again chooses a womanizer she just met over the guy that is tried and true. I love seeing pics of her making out with someone that regularly uses women for pussy and then traumatizes them. Friend zone forever :)

On the bright side I just ate the most delicious pork sandwich ever. All in all an okay day
Fucking resellers.

Ive finally obtained every MGS game (well, besides Metal Gear 2, which costs thousands) so decided to move to another mgs collectibles.
Ive got no space for figurines so decided to collect artbooks.

I complained that soundtracks are expensive.

THose fucking silly books cost 200 USD + because of resellers.

Fuck each and every one of them.
When a close female friend once again chooses a womanizer she just met over the guy that is tried and true. I love seeing pics of her making out with someone that regularly uses women for pussy and then traumatizes them. Friend zone forever :)

On the bright side I just ate the most delicious pork sandwich ever. All in all an okay day

You gotta put your energy elsewhere if you're not looking to be just a friend meng. Delicious pork sandwich is a good start.
I love it that when african and middleeast untermenschen sneak into the trucks to cross the borders, ruin the shipment or steal it its the drivers that are getting punished and arrested.

If it was white men that did that they would already be in jail and paying for the damages.

Europe, what are you doing, its just gonna lead to drivers carrying guns and shooting every sandnigger that even gets near to the truck.