The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I'm fucked.
I almost had impossibly high standards for women.

Then yesterday I found this cute hybrid i posted in other thread. Because it was low quality I thought she had typical brown asian eyes, but I felt like she has slavic roots. Then I did research and...

She's a fucking russian/japanese hybrid. The excellent hybrid. And i thought it was impossible for asian hybrids to have "proper" eyes. She proved me wrong, her eyes are fucking gray.

Now I wont be satisfied until I find my own russian/asian hybrid with gray eyes. The ultimate perfection, The key to creating superior race and get rid of blacks that are evolutionary failure, get rid of whites which got weak and pathetic and ugly asians.

There need to be more, I cant create a brand new race with one female goddamnit.
But if thats the case, ill stop saving money for a nuke, ill just buy cloning machine, no problem.
I'm fucked.
I almost had impossibly high standards for women.

Then yesterday I found this cute hybrid i posted in other thread. Because it was low quality I thought she had typical brown asian eyes, but I felt like she has slavic roots. Then I did research and...

She's a fucking russian/japanese hybrid. The excellent hybrid. And i thought it was impossible for asian hybrids to have "proper" eyes. She proved me wrong, her eyes are fucking gray.

Now I wont be satisfied until I find my own russian/asian hybrid with gray eyes. The ultimate perfection, The key to creating superior race and get rid of blacks that are evolutionary failure, get rid of whites which got weak and pathetic and ugly asians.


Canadian/Jap hybrids are godlike too.

Come to think of it, Japs make great hybrids with most other races. Even Indian-Jap hybrids look rather cute.

However, Green-eyed Eastern European redheads remain my favorite.
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I'm not a big fan of either one.

I'm offended, clearly eastern block faggot whites that can't seem to leave political squalor behind are the defects of evolution.

I always suggest every offended person to kill themselves, maybe the starving niggas could eat your rotting body :)

Canadian/Jap hybrids are godlike too.

Come to think of it, Japs make great hybrids with most other races. Even Indian-Jap hybrids look rather cute.

However, Green-eyed Eastern European redheads remain my favorite.

Lel, canadians are already hybrids. Every above average canadian girl ive seen turns out to have european parents or grandparents.
In 'murica there is tons of asian-white hybrids and yet most of them still look bad, like just more vulgar chingchongs.

I dont think ive seen indian-jap hybrid, but i suppose i wouldnt be pleased because of skin colour :3

Redheads are okay, but from what ive seen they age fucking quickly.
Well, I'd have a good chance at completing a suicide since I'm a man and we all know men are pretty much better at everything compared with women. But I'm a brown person so I'll probably fuck it up and end up on disability benefits for the rest of my life.
Sudden realization.

Amon Amarth are the melodeath equivalent of Motorhead. Releasing the same album over and over again.

I'm not a big fan of either one.

True, and also like Bolt Thrower. I actually had a few words with Johan Hegg at a Bolt Thrower gig and he seemed kind of impressed of their consistancy over the years and he was ecstatic by their performance and his words was something like "they just keep plowing on like a tank". :)
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Dude you are like the

True, and also like Bolt Thrower. I actually had a few words with Johan Hegg at a Bolt Thrower gig and he seemed kind of impressed of their consistancy over the years and he was ecstatic by their performance and his words was something like "they just keep plowing on like a tank". :)
I am like the what?

And I honestly don't feel that about Bolt Thrower. Their albums sound very different to me.
I have no idea where that came from :lol:

edit: Now I know. I started to write a message in this thread yesterday but cancelled it. MS Edge cache/history is scary because it remembers stuff forever it seems. :D
It's not MS Edge, it's the new forum software. I get the same in Firefox as well.