The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

So social justice warriors are now attacking metal. But some bands are acting so elitistic, i cant enjoy listening to Agalloch after reading their retarded interviews. How nice you only listen to things nobody has ever heard off you special snowflake.

I barely listened to metal for a while but im finding myself rediscovering some old bands i liked before. My playlists consists of greek black metal, serbian turbo folk, kpop and Hox's hip hop recommendations.

Are Agalloch a bunch of snowflakes?

Yeah, I agree with feminism to a great extent - just not this new fourth wave bullshit

Eh, every wave is the same social constructivist bullshit.
Urban Dictionary...
Actually defined as a member of a despised social class, a commoner, a member of the plebs of ancient Rome. Also low-born, undisinguished, vulgar, and my personal favourite: vulgar-looking

I've been calling people plebs for over 10 years now, and this word exist in english and polish in unchanged form, that makes me happy.

u fokin plebs