The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

If you go back to the 90's the majority of the really good extreme metal shit is from Stockholm (or north of the Gothenburg area at least), the exception being The Crown. And fuck all your coming Dissection comments.
I love that female metalheads ripped that shit article to shreds in the comments.

Never understand why something being a 'male hobby' or a 'male dominated interest' is treated as a inherently bad thing. Are men flocking to the romance novel industry in order to change it? All the women I know are attracted to Metal for the exact reasons the article attempts to attack. They like it the way it is. Metal attracts and produces the strong-willed, not these retarded victims that need safe spaces.

Fuck off.

So social justice warriors are now attacking metal. But some bands are acting so elitistic, i cant enjoy listening to Agalloch after reading their retarded interviews. How nice you only listen to things nobody has ever heard off you special snowflake.

I barely listened to metal for a while but im finding myself rediscovering some old bands i liked before. My playlists consists of greek black metal, serbian turbo folk, kpop and Hox's hip hop recommendations.
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Serbian turbo folk is the only genre ill listen to the rest of my life. Its just a music only people from Balkan can listen , i dont think anyone else can find it enjoyable. But i dont listen to the newer artists, I mostly like older turbo folk from the 70s and 80s.

Hox is just busy with real life to pay attention to forum peasants.
I love that female metalheads ripped that shit article to shreds in the comments.

Never understand why something being a 'male hobby' or a 'male dominated interest' is treated as a inherently bad thing. Are men flocking to the romance novel industry in order to change it? All the women I know are attracted to Metal for the exact reasons the article attempts to attack. They like it the way it is. Metal attracts and produces the strong-willed, not these retarded victims that need safe spaces.

Fuck off.

OR better yet, whenever they invade one of these spheres and try to push this narrative 100% of the time they act as though any backlash to their actions (which almost always involve generalizing groups as misogynistic etc, so in fact hurling insults) is reason to back up their claims. Not that I don't's their ideas that are being criticized. I know plenty of great metal acts with women in it or solely at the helm of it that have done just fine and haven't been sexualized. I don't hesitate for a moment to cheer for them. When it's an obvious business move though, of course they're called out on it. Like everyone is in the metal community.
OR better yet, whenever they invade one of these spheres and try to push this narrative 100% of the time they act as though any backlash to their actions (which almost always involve generalizing groups as misogynistic etc, so in fact hurling insults) is reason to back up their claims. Not that I don't's their ideas that are being criticized. I know plenty of great metal acts with women in it or solely at the helm of it that have done just fine and haven't been sexualized. I don't hesitate for a moment to cheer for them. When it's an obvious business move though, of course they're called out on it. Like everyone is in the metal community.

Yip, just look at The Agonist or Amaranthe for example. Those two are pretty generic music using their female vocalist to sell shit. They get shit for it too though.

Btw, women invading stuff reminded me of this great Bill Burr clip :D
"And even if metal fans are principally male, why are they reluctant to cheer for a female-fronted band? Never fail to understand this: because being a fan is an act of submission. It’s the same reason men can't wait destroy a successful female player in a live-action role-playing video game. Lower-ranked males despise the disruption in hierarchy represented by a successful female. They’re jealous, and don’t want to give up power."

My favorite clip from that article. The absurdity is reallll.

Thing is, again it's not even about women invading these spaces. Women have been in them, and continue to be, no problem. It's modern feminism invading these spaces (speaking for all these women that are already there and completely fine, strong enough independent women to hold their own) insisting on pillow plating the walls of the world for them as though they're children.
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