The Guitar Grimoire


Aug 17, 2006

I have fooled about with the guitar for awhile and can bang out some basic stuff, but would really like to learn more formally what I am doing, and how to advance to that 'next level'. It was suggested I get the Guitar Grimoire books and I got the first two volumes...and honestly it just isn't sinking in. Is there some secret code here(it is a grimoire after all:) ) or am I just stupid?! I just find the explanations confusing and thus, the book just isn't helping me. Am I missing something totally obvious? I'm disappointed in my self as I feel I should have "gotten" this by now...but the frustration factor is building!
Any help or advice you folks could lend is greatly appreciated.
Those books are great..especially the 3rd one on progressions and improv. You should probably know a little theory before getting into the books as I imagine they would be confusing if you dont know any theory. Buy a book on music theory. =)
I have the scales and modes book, even though I don't play guitar. The nice thing about that one is that it shows you all the stuff for keyboard too. I found the theory part in the beginning to be quite useful. It seems like much more of a reference book than a practice book though.