The Hall of Heroes Part Two- The Return

Metal Immortal

Guardian of the Blind
Feb 11, 2004
Hansi of Blind Guardian.

Micheal Romeo of Symphony X.

Dan Rock of Psychotic Waltz.

Arjen Luccasen of Ayreon.

James Labrei od Dream Theater
John Petrucci of Dream Theater

Micheal Pinella of Symphony X

Joey Demioe of Manowar

Tim Owens and Jon Shaffer of Iced Earth on a bench like the butt buddies that they are.

Russel Allen of Symphony X

Barf the wega barf and keep on killing.


Shit! I almost forgot the most honorable hero of them all....

Hail Ayn Rand.

I saw a documentary on her on IFC, and I read Atlas and then Fountainhead. Atlas is way better, it's like The Fountainhead but more in depth.
First of all, hail to thee, honorable one! Steve, we meet again!
Second, honorable hall of heroes! I would only ask that you add Luca Turilli to the gallery! JK LMAO OMG!!!111oneonewon. Seriously, though, he is wega honorable.
Duh, Ayn Rand kills everyone. Anyone who disagrees is wrong, because objectivism promotes rationality and logic. If you are against logic, then you must be stupid. 0wned! I'm damn near done with Atlas, and it wega kills everything ever. Talk about supreme honour.
My partner in metal was up to the part where the copper mines blew earlier. 850 of 1070 or something. I finished the end of that book in a matter of hours; I could not comprehend the fact that so much honor could exist in one book, but I had to read on, knowing my face might explode at any second.
Is that the signet version? The print in that is so damn small. I have the larger print edition, it's about 1130 pages long. It's heavier, but it's much easier on the eyes. I'm taking that the part you're talking about was where Hank told Frisco he invested in D'Anconia Copper...
I know what you mean. By the time I'm done with Fountainhead I'll need glasses.

It's the part where Fransisco has all his mines destroyed and his fortune gone. Right before John Galt's big speach.
Jesus. I finished the book today... holy shit. It was the most god-damned awesome thing ever. I didn't see the revealed information until today, after I was done, so no harm done. Anyway, that book kills more than anything ever. Jesus... I can't even say anything. My god... Rearden... Danneskjoeld... Dagny... Fransisco... and John Fucking Galt!!! You can't get any better than this. When I finished it in my journalism class, I had to unleash an unholy warcry.
Yay! You finished! When I was done with the book, I was extremely disappointed, not in the ending, but because it was over and there was nothing else to read.

Where are you up to in Fountainhead?
I'm not very far. My friend has read it already but I'm just a bit less than a third of the way through my copy. It's a great story so far, but I can tell it won't be as good as Atlas Shrugged.