The handsomest guy on The Chat Board? Multiple choices!

Vote for the handsomest guys on the chat board! Multiple choices allowed.

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nØthing said:
Just so everybody knows, Lolita didn't put me in the list, since I'd get all the votes...


I didn't make it either...but I wouldn't get many vote for handsome....Maybe I'd get some for cute though, I mean, come on! I have a bunny in one of my pictures.:Smug:
Hard choice. All cuties, but here are the ones I've voted for: Abbey Normal, Aragorth, bobvex, EagleFlyFree, Eirik, Hearse, manuelgv, Spike, tooled and Wolfenmond.
I think you're all very sexy guys :dopey:

But still EagleFlyFree is my favourite :p
they are all hot, and since i would just vote for all of them, i'll just NOT vote, since it will be the same thing anyways :)

i already voted on the other one anyway

edit: goes look at FailingA's bunny :p
FailingAcension said:
Someone go look at my bunny! :(
Dude (what's up, btw? haha) its a fine bunny, I had one once though, and I don't know how anyone can handle all that...constant moving of the bowels :tickled: . I like em though...rabbits...not bowel movement...
Haha...the bunny is a long story...
Last Friday I went to Corpus Christi for State Band tryouts (on tympani) with 3 classmates and my band director, who is a loser who wishes he was a "hip" teen. Anway, saturday on the way home, we passed through a town and stopped to get gas (we were in the school truck) and me and my friend (who plays mallets) saw some hicks selling rabbits accross the street. So we went over to look and decided that they were cute and jokingly yelled at our director that we were going to buy one. Well, he looked super-pissed off, so we bought one. It was only $8. It's name is Sparrow. We thought Jack was too straightforward.....Yeah, the band director was mad, and I got a new pet bunny, which also attracts females to my house. Good deal. :cool:
@nothing and Failing Acension: I am sorry for not including you guys in the poll but it is only because there were no room for everybody. :( It has nothing to do with your looks! I selected RANDOM guys who had posted their pics on the gallery, they are not selected because I like them or not. Period.

So don't feel bad now, okay? :)