The handsomest guy on The Chat Board? Multiple choices!

Vote for the handsomest guys on the chat board! Multiple choices allowed.

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Lolita Vampiriá said:
@nothing and Failing Acension: I am sorry for not including you guys in the poll but it is only because there were no room for everybody. :( It has nothing to do with your looks! I selected RANDOM guys who had posted their pics on the gallery, they are not selected because I like them or not. Period.

So don't feel bad now, okay? :)
I know...I'm just putting you on a guilt trip. ;)
Hearse said:
You didn't make there since Hollywood stars aren't allowed to take apart in the polls. :Smug:


Matt Damon

scary, isn't it :loco:
:lol: :lol: :lol: That is a brilliant observation...FA, man, tell Ben Affleck he sucks for me.
Fractured said:
Weeeeeeel i coudnt' take a pic of me, but those who have seen me know that i am teh sexmachine of teh century.... :D


Anywho i can't get the damn cam to work...... =/
well get it to work and show me what you look like :)