The Haunted


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
So, who went to see them? If you didn't, why the hell not??!! :) I thought they were fucking brilliant in Melbourne. How'd the other shows go? Headbang and air guitar city! It was nice to see Coops at the instore on Friday. Thought I'd see him again at the show but there were waaaay too many people there. Saw Clarky though, so all was not lost! What were the crowds like at the other shows? The Corner Hotel was packed. I didn't realise so many people knew them. I wish they'd played Blinded By Fear, but you can't have everything I guess...... :cry:

Earth rocked in support, as they always do. I thought Blood Duster put in a pretty average performance, but perhaps that's just cos the sound wasn't as good where I was, near the mixing desk.

Woohoo I've finally seen the Bjorler brothers in action. Now I'm going to shut up, because I'm rambling. I think I might just bounce up and down with a cigarette in my mouth. :Smokin:
yeah i thought it was fucking sick to see them
although i was slightly dissapointed with the mix of the haunted
i felt that the guitars were slightly too loud and unbalanced, and the vocals needed more volume to em.

I was overly impressed with earth to tell you the truth, it was an average performance in my opinion, specially on the side of the vocals :S

but all and all it was fucking sick and great to see the haunted :D
The sound was fucking crap in Sydney. I can't believe how bad it was considering how awesome most bands usually sound there. Apart from that, The Haunted were great. I almost got my nose broken in the pit and I have a badly bruised elbow from when I slipped in some beer and fell over. Fucking awesome show!

Blood Duster seem to be trying to be a serious band these days. They're still cool but I liked them better when they fucked around more. Daysend weren't bad, but I would have liked to have heard some guitar in the mix. :mad: Oh well.
in melbourne they werent as "fuck around" as they ussually are, i think this was due to the fact they hadnt had enough to drink yet, cos they ussually go right off when their a bit pissed :D

it was good they played a fair bit of older material, as well as cunt and stuff off dff.

i told tony to sing some of the day everything became nothing, i got the finger for
The Brisbane show was nothing special at all imo. Very very ordinary perfomance at best. Ive only heard one album by them (the haunted made me do it, which wasnt to great anyhow :D ) and that performance sure as hell aint gonna inspire me to buy any albums thats for sure :D

Blood Duster stole the show easily I thought. Great stuff! :headbang:
Gees, what is this, slam The Haunted week? :)

Ahh well, still good to see more international acts here regardless :headbang:
dont get me wrong
it was fucking awesome
it was great to see them and they played a great range of songs, it was sick, just the sound was a bit meh, but apart from that it was fantastic
As I explained before, I have been to plenty: Slayer, Megadeth, Creed, the Grounded festival, Richie Sambora, The Smashing Pumpkins and silverchair twice.
I gotta say I was expecting alot more from them last night...we ended up sitting outside out of sheer boredom for most of their set.
The Haunted rocked!!!! :headbang: Pity I didn't get to see you again Rob... I couldn't believe how packed The Corner was either. I walked past the mixing desk area a few times but didn't see you. I was on the rail in front of Anders for the majority of their set. Missed Earth and caught the last 10 mins of Blood Duster... not that I cared cos I was just there to see The Haunted. They're very cool guys. They came out afterwards and mingled with some of the crowd and took photos and signed stuff... great to see that they care about their fans and took the time out to do that.
Seems like you enjoyed them as much as I did, Coops! I thought they were fantastic. I was at the back for BD, but made my way through the throng after a couple of The Haunted's songs.

I'm sure I'll see you again at Opeth, Coops. Hopefully at an instore like on Friday! I'm glad to hear they came out after the show. They're really nice fellas.

The Haunted are overrated, and Silverhair aren't???!!! :lol:

Sounds like you Brisbane folks just copped a bad show. They roooocked in Melbourne.