the: "HELP ME" thread


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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for those of you who are not members in the chat-room,
my name is Karen and im freaking out!!!!

the reason?
the 17-year cicadas are coming out in ONE week!!!! :erk: :ill:
1.5 million bugs on every acre!!!

anyone wants a guest for 3-weeks?
im easy to handle, and i can clean and cook.

HELP ME!!!! :yell:


Connecticut is great this time of year and I just bought a 3 bedroom house with only myself to occupy it.

Come on up, there is a furnished basement with a kick ass 70's lookin bar in it also.:loco: I think I am going to name the bar in my basement the REGAL BEAGLE. You can dress like Janet or Crissy and I will dress like Jack tripper, Larry or even possibly Mr. Ferlie. LOL

We can sit around, watch TV and drink cocktails and eat nachos.
Come to California..we dont have locusts here that i know of...and its months before the tarantula run!! come on down! we'll go to SF and party like rock stars! :p i got an extra bed somewhere!
I actually kind of like cicadas. Our Missouri breeds aren't due just yet but I always liked collecting the creepy looking skins left by the larvae when I was a kid. Also, if you stab one of the adults with a sharp stick, they ooze white stuff. It's pretty grotesque. Cannibal corpse should do a concept album.

As I am moving to Cali shortly I cannot offer you a place here. Though you could probably stay with my former and soon-to-be-again roommate out there. He's Israeli, has 2 cats, isn't much of a drinker, and isn't much of a metal fan. You get the good with the bad I guess. :D
But if she stays with Jamie she can PARTAY with us!

Cicadas are foul. I saw them when I used to go to NY as a kid, and they freaked me out a lot.

So do these things come every 17 years, or is that their lifespan or something? Cause if it's a yearly deal, you can probably crash in my dorm next year. ;)
we only have ants. :Smug: in our apartment. kitchen and bathroom to be more precise. the invitation stays, but you have to love the ants and possibly our new pet. :D