the: "HELP ME" thread

ok so seems like my plan is to spend a week with Fred in Canada, (oh sorry its not canada its Quebec... ;) )
me and him will go to concerts, drink coffee with Brandy, and a lot of good canadian beers,
then i'll take Fred to party with Nico in the REAL Canada,
then i'll go down to Rhode Island, buy Max a beer like ive always promised,
go to the west coast to visit Lillitu in Seatle (thats ok, weather never scares me!)
go down to Cali, partAAAy with Jamie Isabel and Pyrus - those guys can finally show me the bay area! weeee!
and then all of us as a huge group will go to CT to DreamNeonBlack's new crib!!!!
(WinterFall: come too and bring your Black Metal cds!)
but hey im warning you! im going to be Janet in DreamNeonBlack's fantasy!!! tell them DreamNeonBlack!!!
(i love the fact that you have a 70's bar in your basement- you have to take pictures of that)

so THANKYOU all for the invitation.....
im so scared of those bloody creatures..... eeeek :yow: :yow:
and seriously: i have no idea what im gonna do when they will come out...

anyone has gone through that "expirience" before and can calm me down about that?
i heard they fly in your hair...... :/

p.s: Tee: thanks girl! and like i said: for my trip to Europe/ Greece: im definatly gonna check Croatia out!
(i have to make sure that there isnt any small cicadas hiding in my back pack.. imagine if one of those will travel with me to Europe...
what a disaster could that be in 20 years huh.... ? )
KOM NAAR NEDERAND heb je nergens last van en et begint nu nog lekker warm te worden ook en WACKEN komt eraan en eerst DYNAMO!!! children of bodom \m/

en iedere week wel vette bands die in de buurt optreden :D
DreamNeonBlack said:
I don't blame you at all Lioness, I HATE bugs. The mere thought of them makes my skin crawl.

Get out while you can, run from these creepy ugly insects.:yell:

I hate bugs too...grrr....anyhow Karen if you like tropical weather and the caribbean you can come visit me way down here in Trinidad. There isn't much to do here though, but I think there is a Skid Row/Dokken/Nightranger concert on May 8th, we can go to that!
~~~I'm with you in my thoughts, while I'm sipping from that bottle.... :goggly: ~~~

we emptied our first in our new home yesterday... :( stu00pid guests.... :bah: LOL
^Tee! the first thing im going to do in Europe is to buy me a bottle of absinth and bring it with me to the states, then i'll look for a smaller bottle to send Jamie since she hasnt tasted that yet!

(see Jamie? i didnt forget! :goggly: )

btw: hows the new place? :)
I'd send you one, but it would definetily cause problems... :hypno: on several levels. LOL

the place r00les.
I adore my new mate, Pavo, fluffy and one month old, today. as soon as I get the pictures developed, he'll be in my avatar, signature, profile picture... :dopey: I love my Pavo, although he's with us for three days only now. my li'l sparrow tiger. :Spin: